★ Movie Name: Interstellar

★ IMDb: 8.6

★ personal rating: 8.8

Even if you do not see this movie, you can not find a name that does not know the name. No one will ever ask the name of this movie in some way if you ask for the name of the Best Saif movie. It may not be possible to understand the whole thing at once. However, knowing some things may be of little benefit.
1-Theory of Relativity. It is better to have a thin thin idea about the difference between the times. Do not worry, the story of Time Travel! Zafar Iqbal's book "Theory of Relativity" has given a thin thin idea to Einstein's theory of youth. One remembers the situation here, to see this movie. The movie is both movie and book, it is said in both places that your time is limited only to the time of the world There is no chance to get your return back.

It is better to know a little bit of information about 2-blackhole and warmhole in Google. I do not know much about myself, so there is nothing to say.

Though the first part of the world is subject to their relative importance in the first part of the world, I was surprised to see that Blackhole played the second time, even though the movie initially seemed to have a gap with her daughter's library, even if her daughter understood something (she was holding the case of STAY) her Could not stop the father! Actually, changing the rules of nature is probably not possible, because he is black-white. Itiyabara blakaholera very happy to be able to tell the story clear that no one would comment.


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