Coco is on Netflix - Movie Review


Coco is a 2017 American 3D computer-animated fantasy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures and is my favorite movie of 2017. Coco is now on Netflix and I highly recommend you watch this.

Coco is my favorite movie of 2017. It is a beautifully animated film with a marvelous story and great music. The story is both for young and old. When I saw it in the Theater I cried my eyes out, as did a number of people that were in the Theater.

Coco is about love, family, dreams, and death. The film also has great humor, but also takes a serious look at life and death.

My only wish was that some of the songs were longer as I have a couple on my playlist.

Proud Corazón is a wonderful song sung by Anthony Gonzalez who does the voice for Miquel. The song was a perfect way to end the movie. Anthony Gonzalez is a 13-year-old Los Angeles native who knocked it out of the park in his performance as Miquel.

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