How to earn money from your steps -english version

First of all, you should know that a blockchain writes blocks whenever transactions are executed.

The crypto realm that makes it possible to generate transactions from physical movement is called "move to earn".


According to Coingecko, the second largest Move to earn project at the moment is called Sweat.

What is Sweat Economy?

Sweat aims to reward people for exercising by converting the steps you take on your phone or smartwatch into Sweat Tokens, which are instantly credited to your wallet.

All you need to do is download the app for your device and you're ready to go. With Sweat you earn two kinds of tokens: On the one hand the Sweat Etherium Token directly into your Sweat App. You cannot pay out these tokens directly, they are credited for certain actions.

On the other hand, you receive the Sweat token on the #Near blockchain, which you receive directly into your Sweat Wallet, which you have to download separately This Near token is available immediately!

What is Near?

Near is currently the 36th largest blockchain by market cap according to #Coingecko. It is a so-called 3rd generation blockchain, i.e. one that is capable of smart contracts, POS and #Sharding. The Near Blockchain is open source, super scalable, extremely fast and very cheap.

So if you have earned Sweat tokens through your steps, you can convert them to Near, the native token of the Near chain and then, for example, stack and pool them on Ref Finance, currently the largest dex on Near, and thereby earn extra yield.


So, especially if you are new to crypto, you have a unique opportunity to earn your first few tokens without any investment and use them right away on one of the leading blockchains of the upcoming 3rd generation.

Getting started in crypto has never been easier than with #SweatEconomy.

👉 Download the app right now and start earning crypto with your steps 🌈

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