Mountain Monday ~ All Roads Lead to Pyramid Mountain

Welcome to #mountainmonday, hosted by me, @keithboone!

This is your invitation to share anything you like about mountains - Tag your post #mountainmonday and drop me a link in the comments below and I will do my best to upvote and resteem your post.

This week I thought I would show you a few photos of Pyramid Mountain in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. If you don't know where this is, start out in Banff National Park and head north up the Icefields Parkway, one of the most scenic drives anywhere. Here are a few thoughts on how to get to Pyramid Mountain.

You might want to stop for a little canoeing on Lake Louise first, before leaving Banff.


Heading up the highway, you will see amazing mountain vistas all along the way.


I'll only show a few shots from here - need to save more for another Monday! Check out that crazy colour of glacier fed lakes and rivers!


Now of course you might choose to get there by train. Ever wonder why trains sometimes stop on the tracks for no apparent reason? There is Pyramid Mountain down the tracks.


It would be way more fun to get there by rafting down the Athabasca River!


Me? I'm boring, I always drive.


My final shot was taken in a campground in Jasper. I went walking through the campground in the evening and only had a 50mm lens on my camera - no zoom. Can you believe what I found at the end of a parking lot? These female Elk were unafraid of people, but the bull stayed down in the treeline, bugling away while the sun set behind Pyramid Mountain. You'll have to look at this one full-screen to see the bull Elk.


Have a great #mountainmonday my friends! Don't forget to drop me a link to your post in the comments.

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