RE: RE: Why the Steemwhales are upvoting Crap instead of Your Masterpiece - And why you should be Happy About it
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RE: Why the Steemwhales are upvoting Crap instead of Your Masterpiece - And why you should be Happy About it

RE: Why the Steemwhales are upvoting Crap instead of Your Masterpiece - And why you should be Happy About it

This is what your post looked like to the outside world.

Hi little girl, here's a dollar! Let's be friends!


Not all of us are troglodytes with no social connections and no life.
But you seem to think we are, and so you're discounting everyone's contributions in favor of a flawed theory of marketing that won't stand up and will cause this place to crumble around you.

What you're saying is that...
It's ok to bring a bunch of people here under false pretenses, and later allow them to become completely disillusioned because expectations were high, but it's ok because "more eyeballs = more dollars"?

Don't you realize that it actually dilutes the value of individual contributors and raises the noise floor? But it's ok because... Oh hey boobies!

What do you think the network effect will be when that information is made generally public?

What are you 12?

Here is what happens when you upvote crap.

More crap will come.

The people who really want to use this platform. The ones who feel passionate and will actually attract more users will leave soon, because they can't get attention. Attention they deserve because they are contributing to the signal and not the noise.

They feel cheated by a system that is rewarding per capital instead of per capita, all in a bid to lure new users in under false pretenses.

You won't get your bikini clad chicks here either, because they will know what a sexist twat you are for even spouting this kind of nonsense.

Then they will tell their friends to avoid this place because it's full of creepy guys who want to lure in young girls and their friends.

The net result is that the people you are trying to target will stay away and instead of a community comprised of well rounded, well connected normal people; You will end up with a large community of fat middle aged men pretending to be hot young girls so they can get upvotes and $$$.

Social media is a powerful tool. But all it takes is one actual well connected person, female or not, bikini clad or not, to cross post your blathering to twitter, facebook, instagram and the party is over for all of us.

The whales aren't whales because they are somehow smarter than us. They are whales because they invested early. They invested early because they believe that Dan & company can deliver something new and awesome and grow it into something incredible.

I don't actually disagree with that assessment. But there is a huge difference between coming up with an idea for a business and running it long term.

If you are correct in their motivations, then this indicates a serious problem with their ability to curate content in the spirit that they said they would and now there needs to be a way for the community to address that problem or the simply upstakes and go somewhere else.

I have some ideas to solve these problems. Ideas that I discuss here.

I like steem and I know it can be a powerful platform for good and an incredible tool for change.

But your posting shows everything that is wrong with the way things are setup here.

Do you realize that your post is summarized in one paragraph as "Hey it's ok we intentionally withhold money from quality content creators, because we're using it to lure in young girls?"

At least that's what my teenage daughter said when I showed it to her. Because of you, she's not signing up and she's warning her friends away from here. Can't say as I blame her.
Good Job @johnsmith !

So umm try again, maybe get to know some of the real people in the demographic you are trying to target and ask their opinion?

Ask your daughter, niece, wife, mom...
Would you rather get paid to create insightful commentary about subjects you feel passionate about, or would you rather be objectified and leered at by a bunch of fat nerds in their mother's basement?

Believe it or not, the pay is the same, so long as it's not being diluted under false pretenses.

Here is an effort that actually will bring in new users. Users in the demographic you claim to be seeking out.

Several of my friends are extremely well connected in the social media space. They have decided to launch a youtube show because I did the legwork and got them excited about this place. Then someone locked the doors.
Eitherway, they want to build something introducing new users to the power that this incredible tool really does have.

At the time I'm writing this comment, our post is older than yours by an hour.
We aren't asking for money or upvotes, we're just seeking topics of interest.
Yet that link has a total of $0.06 with 8 votes and 7 comments, while this one has 131 votes, 62 comments and $845.65

I'm not complaining here, but I am disappointed.

If there is no interest, you need to understand, that's just discouraging.
These are real people with 10's of thousands of social media connections and hundreds of real world connections.

They want to build an advertising platform to spread the word about steem. They'll do this because they realize the value of the platform. This is something that costs the steem community nothing and yet it's being ignored in favor of cheerleading the whales into doing something dishonest.

So my question is this...
Is the What's Hot, What's Not in Crypto Today show, failing to gain traction as result of people not actually caring?
Or is it just being drowned out by the noise level in here because of posts like this one?

If you're really interested in bringing new users to the platform. How about ya'll head over there and let us know what you want and what topics you want to explore?

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