Your Right Positioning And Location

For those of your that have elementary knowledge of geography, you will agree with me that the moon does not have its own self-luminosity. That is, it does not produce light of its own. However, what you see as moonlight is due to the fact that the moon positions itself rightly to tap into the sun's rays. The side that is rightly positioned will receive the light while the other side will be in darkness. This is just to tell you about positioning.


Image from Pixabay

There are sometimes that the reasons behind the struggles of many people are due to wrong positioning. Those that have knowledge of agriculture will know that location is very important to the growth of crops. There are some seeds that, no matter how genetically engineered they are, will not grow in a location that is not supported by it. For example, in this part of the world, there is a type of rice that only grows in the swampy region of the Southeast. If you take the same rice to the deserts of the North, it will not grow.

In the process of creating your ideas, after you have answered the question of "what," you will also try to answer the question of "where." This talks about the location. You may have a very solid idea, maybe like a business idea, but if not situated in the right location, you may end up struggling over it. Take this example: If you want to build a business of selling air conditioner, will you situate the business in a place that freezes throughout the year? If you do, you may not make sales. However, if you situate the same business in a place that experiences hot temperature, you will make massive sales.

Right location is very paramount. A few years back, I engaged partly in fish pond business. I discovered that the sizes of catfish that were gotten from the fish pond were limited to a particular size. It was a little plastic pond. However, I discovered that my friend that did the same business with large earthen pond had a bigger size of fish. I quickly realized that the size was relative to the location and not the species of fish, because we used the same species of fish.

That someone is making it in a particular location in business does not mean the same business will thrive in your own location. The growth of a business does not only depend on the nature of the business but it also has a lot to do with location.


Image from Pixabay

Just to paint a picture for you how location is very important: when you see a fish inside water, it will not need to be taught how to swim, there is a natural instinct within it that makes the fish to swim because it is in its own right location. In the same way, a bird will fly effortlessly because it is designed for the air. However, if both locations are swapped: that is, the bird taken to the water and the fish brought out to the open air, they will experience undue difficulties and may even die because of wrong location.

Whatever you do in life, always try to put location into perspective. Someone once said that "a catfish will not become a shark in another location." Well, this is very correct, but the catfish does not need to become a shark but it can become a gigantic catfish. Just to let you know, I have seen (in the media) a catfish that was caught in the wild that has a length of over 8ft. So you see, even if the right location does not change you, it will make you a better version of yourself.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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