The Blessedness of Patience

Many people have grown so impatient that they stop pressing on at the point of their breakthrough. When a farmer plants his crops, from that moment till the time he will harvest them, he will need to have patience. If he goes to uproot the crops every time to check on it, it will die. Similarly, from the point you initiate an idea to the point of execution, there is a need for patience.


Image from Pixabay

The truth is, patience does not equal to waste of time but it is the understanding of time itself. When a farmer plants, during the time he is supposed to wait, he will use it to to nurture the crops (weeding, fertilising, etc), so that it will bring a good harvest. In the same way, having patience does not mean you should be idle and wait for miracle to happen, you can also engage in other complementary activities that will make the wait worth it.

That others are already harvesting their own fruits does not mean you too should. You need to understand that many seeds have various maturity time. Someone that has planted tomatoes will harvest earlier than you that have planted cocoa, but when you start to harvest, yours will be massive. In the same way, the bigger the plan and ideas you have, the more the need for patience. Even in business, someone that started a roadside business can start making gains the same day but the gains will be minimal. However, someone that wants to start a cement factory may have years of input before the returns, but the returns will be massive.

You have to learn to understand "sense of maturity." When a woman gets pregnant for example, there is a stipulated period that the baby should remain in the womb before being delivered. If at a point, the woman gets impatient and decides to deliver the baby before the due maturity time, the baby will become premature. Similarly, many people's ideas have become prematurely terminated, not because it is not a good idea, but because they did not apply the law of patience.

Many people in this era are so much tilted to believing that everything is about "get-rich-quick". Well, this has made many to lack patience and they expect profits at the instance of investment. Most investments will require time to mature and you should understand that. Anything that promises you quick returns that are too good to be true should send a red flag to you. Because some of them may not be good at all.

If a civil engineer wants to build a house, the first point of call is the foundation. After laying the foundation, it will be left to consolidate before building right? If he gets impatient and starts building without following the due process, he may risk collapsing the building. In the same way, you will need patience in order to follow the due processes of life. Anything asides the due process may create struggles.


Image from Pixabay

One of the elements of maturity is the knowledge of times and seasons, and how to apply patience to them. That is, patience to know when to act and when to wait, patience to accept what you cannot change, patience to follow the due process. No wonder this popular quote said:

Patience is truly a virtue

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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