Overcoming The Limitations Of The Mind

Most times, the greatest limitations of people are the ones that are created in their own mind. That is, it comes as a result of how people have conditioned their mind. When someone's mind constantly sees limitations in everything, it will make the person not to take steps to free themself from it. One thing you need to overcome first is your mind. Once you have been able to overcome yourself from within, then you can overcome the challenges on the outside.


Image from Pixabay

I once read a story a few days back of a group of tourists that went to a park to watch some wildlife, then they discovered something amazing when they got to the place where elephants are kept. There was this particular elephant that has a small rope tied to its leg and tied to a very weak shrub, and that was what held the elephant from escaping. Being confused as to why a rope as tiny as that could hold a big elephant when he could just raise his leg and free himself, the tourists decided to ask the owner of the wildlife park for explanation.

When the tourists enquired from the park owner why the elephants could not break free from the rope, the explanation he gave shocked all of them. The park owner told the tourists that when he acquired the elephant, it was just a fee weeks old and that was the rope he used to tie it then. At that age, the elephant was small and the rope could hold it. However, while it grew, it conditioned its mind to believe that the rope is still holding it and because of this, the elephant has not made any single attempt to break off from the rope.

So in the mind of the elephant, the rope is what is still keeping it bound but in reality, the only thing keeping him bound is its own mentality and until it realizes this, it may live its whole life believing that it is bound, whereas it is the one binding itself. In the same way, what is holding many people from breaking through is not any unseen force, nor some "village people", but their own mentality. Every war that is won is first fought inside the mind. The outcome of the mind's warfare is what gives rise to the result of the warfare on the outside.

You will agree with me that whatever becomes of your life is directly related to what goes on in your mind. The truth is, the thoughts of your mind will give rise to the kind of actions you will undertake. That is, if your thoughts are positive, it will show in your positive actions. Similarly, if your thoughts have negative inclination, your actions will also follow suit. More so, even the words of your mouth have their base in the mind.


Image from Pixabay

The thoughts of the mind are so powerful that they do not only influence your choice of words and your actions, but they also go a long way to determine the outcome of your life. This is the reason you have to take your mind and thoughts with all caution because, just as the Holy Book says:

Out of them are the issues of life

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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