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Giving Is Sowing

If a seed of corn, for example, stays in a jar without being sown, it will not multiply and and it will not bring forth fruits. However, when it is planted in the ground, then the full potential will be realized. This is why it has been said that the full glory that is in a seed cannot be achieved until it is planted. In the same way, what you give to others is likened to seed which has a future tomorrow. Know this: gifts are not wasted, they still have ways of returning to the giver in one way.

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When you are faced with an opportunity to give anything whatsoever, you should understand that it is an opportunity to sow a seed into your future and just like a naturally seed, the returns will be in multiples of the seed. Also know that when you do good to others, your life will not lack goodness because goodness is always recycled back to the giver.

You will agree with me that the person that normally helps people are always quick to receive help when they need it. Obviously, both the people that have received of his help in the past and others that are watching will be moved to help him. So just know that when you help people and you give to others, you are not just doing the recipient a favour but the favour also extends to you.

Something happened a few months back that buttressed the need to give to others. By privilege, I belong to a particular community group on one social media where young scientists and educators share ideas, rub minds together and help one another's career. There is a particular guy that was always quick to provide help to others in the group even when it is not convenient for him. He will always see a way around it.

A point came that he was to undertake a particular research that involved money. The money was too big for him to afford, so he was considering letting go of the research. While discussing in the group, he just mentioned it in passing. Amazingly, the way people in the group rallied around to help him was amazing. In less than two days, an excess of the money he needed was raised for him. I mean, while he was busy helping others, he never knew that the help will come back to him one day. Eventually, in the day of need, his former helps spoke for him.

It is very saddening when some people think that they will go down by helping others. Just to let you know, everyone can be successful without bringing each of them down. More so, the sky has enough space for any amount of birds to fly at the same time without any of them colliding against each other. So why then can humans not do the same?

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It is worthy to note that the sole reason why you are blessed is for you to extend the blessings to others. When you are raised, do not forget to raise others too. This is because, in the future, the bridge you built by raising others will be the same bridge that you will pass through.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all