From The First Step To Other Steps

The journey of a long distance will start from the first step

This is a very popular quote and I see truth in it. No matter how big your vision is or how mind-blowing your ideas are, they will make no meaning until you have initiated the first step. However, taking the first step, even though it is the most important step, yet many people are quite scared of it for the simple reasons that it is often perceived as the hardest step and of course, because of fear - fear of not knowing the outcome, fear of failing at the first step, etc.


Image from Pixabay

If you want to move an object from its rest, the law of physics will demand that you will apply a certain degree of force to overcome the inertia before setting the object in motion. This force you need to apply first is usually far bigger than the force you will need to sustain the same object in motion. There is almost no way the other steps will be possible until the first step is performed.

Many people's first steps have been delayed because of either uncertainties or being "too careful", and that has kept them at a spot. The truth is, without taking that brave step and undertaking the risk in it, success may not be in view. For every outstanding success you want to have, you have to know that it cannot be delivered without you taking steps because it is not a child's play.

Instead of thinking failure with the first step, why not think of the success that can come from it? After all, you will not know what the other steps hold if you have not taken the first step. Even if the first step did not meet your expectation, it is still not a failed attempt because it has exposed you to a level of experience and it will make the next step a whole lot easier.

Know this: there are countless risks; here and there; that life is ladened with. That is, you cannot run away from taking risks. As a matter of fact, trying to run away from taking willing risks is to run into unwilling risks. So you have to choose your risks wisely and brace for the result. The stories behind the great achievements that we hear about are not always rosy: they are full of risks.


Image from Pixabay

If you delay to take the first step today, you will be surprised how many others will take the same step and you will miss out of enjoying the benefits of being the "early bird". Remember the first man on moon? I am sure many others had wished to perform that feat but Neil Armstrong got it first and on setting his feet on moon, he made an important statement that revolutionized astro travel:

This is a small step from one man (talking about himself) but a giant leap for the entire mankind.

This is just to tell you that your first step may seem small and almost inconsequential but in it lies the ability to chart a course for humanity. Each time you take a step, do not look at the size of the step but see it that you are drawing closer to your proposed dreams.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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