If something is stopping you- Motivation

Most people truly don’t understand what real commitment means. When you’re standing at the bottom of a gigantic mountain and you’re looking at it and you’re saying “wow I don’t know if I can do this, I don’t know if I want to do this.” That’s normal thinking people have their doubts about it but the reality of life is that you’re never going to get to the top of the mountain unless you start putting one f**king foot down in front of the other. You could think about how nice it would be or how cool it will be but at the end of the day if you don’t put that foot down one in front of the other day after day you’re never going to get there. So when you commit to something you just got to say hey I am going to do this no matter whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes, no matter how much pain I have to go through, no matter what anybody says, no matter what my parents say, no matter what my friends say and no matter what obstacles I have to overcome I am going to do this.

You got to do the work. Nobody’s going to come knocking at your door with opportunities. You got to create them. When you decide what you want to do with your life and your career. Plan it out, map it out, think about the timing and make your move. Just do it. There’s another level to this thing and there’s going to be moments when you get uninspired and discouraged, you’re going to feel like “Why am i here, why I did this?” “Man all my family, my friends and my loved ones are laughing at me.” You’re supposed to fell discouraged sometimes because every level there’s another devil trying wiping you out, trying to put you to the test and trying to see how bad you want it. It’s going to only build character and make you a stronger individual. Do you have what it takes? Not everybody can do this but if you’re going to sit at home and be a lazy ass complaining bum on the pity potty wanting everybody to feel sorry for you then that’s on you. Because for every one that’s motivated and inspired we’re going to get out here and we’re going to get it.

Don’t just plan, don’t just mark your calendar, don’t just talk, don’t just think and don’t just dream. None of that matters. Only thing that matter is that you actually do. Rise, Get up and Go. Be strong, be powerful and get aggressive. Instead of letting your goals, your task, your health and your discipline waver instead of letting those entire things slide through force of will, make it happen don’t be weak. Get yourself in the game. Shut down all those pathetic excuses and get after it.

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