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You can't control the speed of time but you can maximise time.

As each second ticks, different people come our way but who we want to stay and who eventually stays is determined by our heart and behaviour.

There are people we'll never want to lose because we're so attached to them in our hearts. They have proved themselves and we're so comfortable and confident around them.

There are others who'll never want to lose us because they're attached to us by reason of our display of love, character, selflessness and maturity.

It does not matter how many people like you, if you continually let them down in your attitude and character, they'll eventually get tired of you and walk away.

This is not to say that you should please everybody or ever attempt to. No! Even if you want to, you can't.

Just work towards a great character and be yourself.

Improve on your character daily by taking a regular self appraisal and then upping your attitude.

Follow your heart and improve on your behaviour everyday.

This is so important because leadership is all about influence.

You must first get the people around you in order to be able to influence them positively.

Positive influence on the people is what makes an effective and successful leadership.

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