
Everyday, we look around us and think about our friends, colleagues, family and others who seem to have made it so quickly and with little effort.
We cannot but envy these people, especially if we are not making as much progress as we believe we should be making over time.

Sometimes, some people's success even comes to us as a shock. There would be no hint whatsoever of what is to come so when it comes we are surprised.
The secret to such unexpected success is quite simple. Those people most of the time got started ahead of everyone else. In some instances, while most of these people are in the planning stage, they keep it as a secret to avoid distractions.

These are people who, when people are arguing about problems, have already started thinking about the solution. They don't wait for others and they don't procrastinate.
These are people who, even when it seems the odds are against them get started on their tasks. While others fear to fail, these individuals dare to succeed.

These are people who plan ahead of time such that when the time is ripe, they are already well prepared and nothing comes to them impromptu. They are like the boys' scouts whose watchword is "be prepared".

Tips for getting ahead

  1. Time is money, learn to use your time wisely.
  2. Always have a set of plans for your time usage.
  3. Everyday, make sure you have a set of goals and work diligently towards achieving them. 4. Plan well and think more of the future more than the present

On the journey to success, there are many distractions and challenges. Stay focused and plan ahead. Success is yours

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