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When Things Go Wrong, Remember This

In everyday of our lives, we tend to face challenges one way or the other. Different disheartening things occur to us which we wonder why they occur. We ask ourselves questions like Why me? Why do I have to be the one in this situation? What did I do to deserve this? You read so well for your mathematics examination, yet you fail it. The money you've been saving to pay for your tuition fee gets stolen the day you intend to make the payment. Many horrible things keeps happening. We all one way or the other encounter displeasing things like this.
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When things like this happen to us, there are few things we should have at the back of our minds to help us keep going and not giving up on life. .

Whatever you're encountering today, always remember it's just for a temporary period of time, it won't continue like that. You might be from a polygamous family, much siblings, your step mum keeps making life miserable for you, painting you like a bad person in front your dad and siblings. Just remember, that everything is just for the time being, it's sure won't continue like that forever. Endure it and don't go astray.
Good things won't last forever, neither will bad things last forever too. Just because things are not easy with you now doesn't mean you should not laugh or have fun in life and try to be a better person.
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You should also know that the pain you feeling today is part of growing. Whatever pain you feel, always remember no pain comes without a reason. Nothing good comes easy, so be patient and stay positive. Everything is sure going to work itself, maybe not right now, but one day.
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Another thing we should know is that nagging or worrying won't help or change anything. If you believe in something, do it. It's better to fail for doing it ,than complain and not attempt it. It's known that..
Those who complain, accomplish the least
When you lose, know that it's over. It's only over when you don't take action about things, yet you complain about it. Learn to be thankful for the problems you don't have than complain of the problems you have.

Let no on bring you down. You'll experience lots of negative comments from people, don't let that change your mission or vision. Keep doing your thing, don't let the negative comments get you. Be determined. Even when people say things bad to you, don't take it personal even though it seem personal.
Also, always remember not to change to impress anyone who says you're not good enough. I made mention of this in one of my Posts . People will always say all sort of things. You should be happy they're saying it though and not let it get to you. Because if you're good in life people will talk about you, even if you're bad, people will still talk about you. So, change because it will make you be a better person and not because of anyone.
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Keep going, don't be afraid to get back up when you fall, worry less, work hard, eat well, sleep well and make sure you pray well.

I know life is tough, but you're tougher.
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What helps you stay motivated when you're struggling? What posiive thing do you keep in mind when everything seems to go wrong? Leave a comment below...