You Have A Choice To Be Happy

Life will present to you a whole lots of choices to make and one of them is a choice to be happy. It is true that a lot of things might be happening which you may not really like, but it does not mean that you should not create your happiness if you want to. Trust me, many of the good things of life are without pay, that is you do not have to pay for them but they are truly priceless, and this includes happiness. Choosing to be happy, in simple terms is just deciding to make yourself to feel good without a recourse to what may be happening around you. Always remember that you are the one that has the responsibility to create your own happiness.


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To make a choice of happiness, there are other choices that need to be complimented with it. Firstly, you need to take control of the way you think. Your thoughts should be channelled towards what is working for you; the bright side of life, not on the challenges that come with life. What you constantly think will affect your emotions and other aspects of your life. If you think that life is unfair to you, then the thoughts will begin to weigh you down and cause unhappiness. But if you consistently and constantly remind yourself how privileged you are to be alive and the things you can benefit from life, you will discover that happiness will just be flowing in your life.

After taking control of your thoughts, the next one is to count your blessings. The truth is that you are blessed beyond what you can even imagine. For the gift of life alone, it should tell you that you are blessed. A lot of people are wishing and hoping to be like you, so try to also value what you have. If you take a moment to count the good things of life that you have enjoyed, you will be surprised how blessed you are. In fact, if you compare yourself at the present moment with where you started from, you will be surprised the numerous blessings that you have enjoyed in life, so stay happy for it.

It is true that life may not have given you all that you want and you may not even have gotten to your desired destination in life, but it should not rule out the fact that you have enjoyed some good things of life and you have also left where you used to be. What I normally do, which has worked for me each time my spirit is down, is to pick up a paper and write down the good things I have received for the week, and I will also extend it to the good I received for the entire month. By the time I am done, I will discover that joy and happiness will fill my heart. Each time you recount your blessings, you will have many reasons to maintain a heart of joy and happiness.


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While recounting your blessings, also remember to value the little amazing moments of life. For example, the time you spend with friends and loved ones, the moments of connection with family, etc. These are the moments that count, and can create happiness in the heart of someone. There is a reason you see people go on vacation or holiday with their families, apart from bonding between themselves, it also makes room to share love, which can trigger joy. This is why, when you see someone that normally spends quality time with the people they love, they usually lead a happier life than the people that stay all alone by themselves.

The final point to note in creating happiness is to be surrounded with people that are also of a happy disposition. The people you stay around with will definitely affect your emotions. If the people around you are sad, it will not be long and you will join them in their sadness. But if you stay around people that carry a happy nature, it will also rub off on you and you will become happy. This is why you need to keep your eyes open when making choice of friends. If your friends are not helping to grow your joy, then you need to change them. If there are people that, after being with them, you will suddenly feel sad, then you do not have any business being with them. To become happier in life, learn to company with happy people.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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