Working Towards Becoming Better

A lot of people are striving to be better than others but they forget the main thing; which is to become better than their own self. The truth is that if you work towards becoming a better version of yourself or becoming better than you were, every other thing around you will follow suit to become better. This is why you should dare yourself to do something to make you better, and you will be surprised at what you can achieve. If you focus more time on working on yourself, you will have little or no time for irrelevances. Remember that you are not competing with others but with yourself to become better.


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You deserve to be better, but it can only happen if you do not compare yourself with others. One of the major undoings of many people is to compare themselves with what they perceive in others (which, most of the times, may not even be real). You have to know that you have an entirely different destiny from someone else and as such, your life should not be modelled after their own. If you join someone to do what you are not built for, you may experience untold difficulties and may not even achieve anything worthwhile. You can only become better when you focus on what concerns you and on yourself.

It is worthy to note that, no matter how many people you have been able to beat their records, if you have not beaten your own record, then you have not improved and as such, progress has not been made. In order for you to become better in your life, there are things that you need to focus more on, and we shall take a look at them. Firstly, you have to invest extensively in acquiring knowledge. As a matter of fact, if you have not improved on the level of knowledge that you had previously, then you are already depreciating in worth. It is what you know that will make you better. The more you know and the more you get access to information, the better you become.

Knowledge is a fundamental part of what sustains humanity. Trust me, to lack knowledge is to live in a far bigger risk. It is true that you need to sacrifice things to acquire knowledge, but if you refuse to acquire it, you are risking even more than you may ever think. In your office for example, if you have refused to up-skill, upgrade, and update, the value you create will be little and your worth will not increase. If someone else that knows better than you comes in, they may draw the attention from you. Trust me, people will always go after those with the knowledge that can proffer solution to their problems. So seek to acquire more knowledge and you will become better.


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Another way to become better is by acquiring new skills. Building your skills is part of what builds you up to be better. Trust me, gone are the days when people rely on just paper to prove their worth. Now you have to show what you can do and what to bring to the table. The skills you acquired today may be what will become your major source of sustenance tomorrow. Any opportunity you have to acquire new skills should be seen as an opportunity to grow yourself. The truth is that there is a level you will build yourself up and you will become heavily sought after. More so, your net worth would increase and then your value will also go even higher.

I remember there was a particular skill I acquired as a hobby sometimes ago. I actually got the skill just to be better and not because I needed it at that moment. However, after many months, a particular short-term contract work arose that required the same skill. Well, I tendered my application for the contract and during the interview, I told them everything they needed to know and they asked for proof, which I gave to them. There and then, I got the contract, and within the few weeks it lasted, it changed my life positively. If I had not gotten the skill when I needed to, I may have missed out of the opportunity. This is why you have to always look for ways to acquire new skills and improve on your existing skills.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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