The Importance Of Hard Work

One of the things that is needed to overcome hard life is hard work. Success may not be attained without work and most times, these may come as hard work. If you are not willing to bear the hardness of work, then you may not enjoy the softness of life. In fact, the people you see as living a soft life have paid their dues and have laboured extensively to achieve what they have. If you avoid hard work, then meeting hard life will become inevitable. No one will hand over success or victory into your hands without you paying the price. As long as the work you are doing is right, then give it all it takes and you will see the success in it.


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If a farmer wants to have plenty harvest when the season of harvest comes, then he must have to work extensively to plant his seeds during the planting season. Hoping to harvest what and where you have not planted is simply an act of theft which has negative consequences. There is honour and dignity in working hard and in labouring to achieve success. When I talk about hard work, I also include smart work into it. Even though it is called "smart," it still requires labour and extensive work. Just like the case of the farmer I mentioned; instead of using digger and hoe to plant, he can employ the use of machineries, but he will still have to work extensively. Without work, then success becomes like a fairy tale.

You may have talents, gift, and even intelligence, but all these will become an advantage when you have worked it out. Without hard work, your talent will go into a state of dormancy and will not profit you. I am sure many of you know about Hussein Bolt and his mind-blowing feat of being the fastest man and the world record holder. Many people may think that he is talented and that is why he achieved it. But when I listened to his interview, I understood how he has worked extremely hard for it. He spent close to 20 years of his life and through many miles, just to train for some short distance race of 100meters. Imagine training for kilometers just for a 100meter race; this is hard work.

Still in the world of sports, footballers like Messi and Ronaldo are seen to have dominated the world of football and have won almost every individual title, but one thing you have to understand is that they worked so hard for it. No one gifted them these titles but they are results of years of hard work, training, commitment, dedication and sacrifices. I remember when their bare feet were shown on the media, you will see how uneven and irregular the feet have become because of years of kicking balls and all. If you see them enjoy, you will not understand what they have sacrificed in the past to get to where they are now.


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When you want to know the secret of the success of people, then ask for the story of their hard work. Life will not give you success because you feel it will be fair to give you what you wish for, but you have to earn it through hard work. You have to pay the price to get anything of value that you seek for. The truth is that, just like in farming; you only harvest what has previously been planted; you can only take out of life what you have invested or put into it. If you want to secure your future, then it is necessary for you to have invested in your today. If you do not pay the price of hard work today, then you may not escape the price of regret tomorrow. What you will experience tomorrow is a direct function of what you have put in today.

It is worthy to note that there is a sense of accomplishment and an increased self-worth that is attached to hard work. You will agree with me that when you achieve something that you laboured for, you will feel satisfied and it will also motivate you to put in more work to achieve even yet more. In addition to this, hard work also makes one to gain mastery and expertise in their field of endeavour. Always have in mind that the price you pay through hard work will bring about the prize you will gain through success.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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