Never Going Back

It is true that there may be times when you will be faced with discouraging situation which may want to make you to fall back and quit, but I want to tell you that if you want to achieve success, then you should not quit. You will be surprised that whatever you think you are seeing now, a lot of others saw worse and still held on, so nothing should make you to quit. When you have set your mind towards your goal, you should not allow it to waver until you have achieved it. Success will not be handed freely to you, you have to earn it by being committed to actions and refusing to quit. Always remember that to win, you have to refuse all thoughts of quitting.


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Sometimes ago, I watched a movie: there was a certain billionaire that set out to build the world's tallest skyscraper. After the building was almost completed, just before the launch, when the final touch was being made on the building, a catastrophe struck due to an attack from some terror group. This led to about two of the floors being gutted by fire, so much that it was heavily damaged. By the time the fire was put out and the issues arrested, it had caused some really massive damages. Then while some media people were interviewing the billionaire, they asked him what he intends to do. He simply responded "We will rebuild." He did not allow a little setback to make him to lose sight of his dreams. He rebuilt it and the skyscraper even got better at the launch. If he had given up after the incidence, his past efforts would have been wasted.

I remember when Elon Musk launched one of his spacecrafts but was met by some unforseen events that made it not to end well as intended. However, he did go back on his quest of exploring the space. He gave it another shot and his moment of breakthrough came. If he did not try again, or if he gave up, he would not have achieved so much in the space world. At this moment, he is even considering placing humankind as a multiplanetary being with his proposed Martian exploration. All these were possible because he did not go back on his actions to see his dreams come to pass.

For those who drive, you will agree with me that the windscreen is always bigger than both the side mirrors and the rear glass. This simply shows that the advancement you are making should be forward and not going back. If you want to go forward, then you should not put your mind and your focus back. That is, no matter what happens, you should not go back because what lies ahead is far better than what was in the past and what is in the present.


Image from Pexels

They say that you will see light at the end of the long tunnel right? Well, if you give up in the middle of the tunnel and turn back, you will not see the expected light that is at the end. It is only when you have endured to the end without going back that you will qualify to receive the reward. If you see runners compete in a marathon race, if an athlete does not complete the final lap, no matter the speed at which they started, they will not win the race. Imagine running for 0.5km as against 1km race and then run back. Even though the cumulative of what you ran was 1km (0.5m to-and-fro), you will still not get rewarded because the fact that you didn't complete it forward has disqualified you from the reward.

If you know what lies ahead of you in the future and while going forward, nothing will ever make you to go back. The prize is always given at the end after the price has been paid. Until success is achieved, do not stop putting in the necessary and required actions towards your dream. At the end, what matters is that you have hit your target, not how many times you tried, so do not quit trying and never go back. Tomorrow will definitely be more glorious and better than today.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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