Learning To Embrace Uncertainties By Taking Risks

A lot of people are so comfortable in the position they are at the moment that they do not feel the need to step out and do something new. Some others do not also take risks simply because of their fear of uncertainty. But the truth is that if you do not move to the other side of the path, you will not know what is awaiting you there. In the same way, you may not know the things that you will stand to gain until you have made a move towards something. I have come to understand that there is almost nothing that can expand someone's horizon and views about the world as taking risks. It is true that they may be laced with uncertainties, but it is still worth it.


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There are many benefits that are accrued to embracing uncertainties by taking risks. The first one is that it helps you to overcome fear. The truth is that there is noway you can effectively overcome fear if you have not taken a step, which may be risky, towards what you believe. Fear of failure has held a lot of people at one spot and has prevented them from moving ahead in life. Of course, you cannot move forward in life until you have taken step forward, but fear limits that step. So if you will learn to embrace uncertainties by taking risks, you will discover what you have missing all these while.

Some people see uncertainties in negative light and it also limits their risks. But instead of processing it as something negative, it will do you a lot of good to realign your mentality and see them as something positive. You may want to take a step and you may think "what if this step turns out to produce a negative result?" This thought can send fear down your mind, because you have already started attributing negativities to uncertainties. You have to know that life is ladened with a lot of uncertainties, but you have to be the one to decide the side you have to face.

Another benefit of embracing uncertainties by taking risks is that it helps you grow and become more innovative. There are things you may never achieve until you explore things outside your comfort zone. When you take a step from where you are, you will discover new things about life that will help you to create new ideas and then see things from different perspectives. I have discovered that someone is as limited in thoughts as where they are. To effectively think outside the box, then you need to step out of the box. When you are open to welcome uncertainties, you are also open to welcome the new opportunities that life can offer. Life provides unimaginable opportunities but you have to welcome risks and uncertainties to experience some of them.


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If you want to achieve what no one has ever done, then it is required that you will put in extensive efforts and do what no one has ever done. It is true that risks may be scary sometimes - of course this is because you are about to do what you have not done before, but it will be worth it at the end. There are many things to achieve in life; some mind-blowing feats, pacesetting and trailblazing accomplishments, but you have to go for them by taking risks. It is worthy to note that no good thing will be dropped unto your laps by doing nothing. If you must get the result, then you should not be scared to attempt the risk.

One of my mentors said sometimes ago that "risk-taking is a fundamental aspect of life that should be embraced at all cost." He went further to add that "you either take risk willingly or you will be edged out by those that are taking them." This was when I realized that deciding not to take risk is a negative risk on its own. If you must succeed, then taking risks should be your natural state. However, for the risks to be worthwhile and produce the desired result, they should be logical, taken with knowledge, done rightly, and then done at the appropriate and right time. All these will make your actions to deliver the required results.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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