Keep Practising Towards Perfection

What you do over and again tends to be part of you and you will begin to do it with ease. Anyone that you see do something with ease also had moments that he had to put in to master it. Remember when you were trying to learn how to drive, it looked like it was a very difficult task but as you kept learning, it became easier and now, it has so much become part of you that it is now like a conditioned reflex action. Similarly in life, there is a level of perfection that comes when you keep practising a thing. If you could not get it done the first time, do not lose hope, practise it again, to master it.


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While growing up, there was this particular footballer I normally enjoyed watching play simply because of how he played free kicks. His free kicks were so adorable to watch; as they would curve in mid-air, making a C-movement before it enters the net. It was as if he was just born for free kicks. However, when I saw his matches from way back, he was not that perfect but over time, he gained mastery in it. There was a time that he was interviewed by the media about the his skills and he revealed that he had practised the free kick for over a thousand times. With every practice, he got closer to gaining mastery in it. No wonder he became so good at it.

There is no one that you see doing so good that did start somewhere. I have been privileged to stay around kids and have watched them learn how to walk. The process is usually adorable to watch over time. As the kid would stand, take a little step, maybe even fall, then stand and start over again. After a while, they will begin to take little steps and then before they will master the act of walking. If the kid had refused to take the first little step, then they will be delayed from mastering how to walk. But as they continue to practise, it will lead them to perfection. In the same way in life, when you continue to do what you are doing, it will bring perfection in it. Consistency is a very crucial aspect of success in life.

It is worthy to note that there is no good thing that you would want to achieve that will not require you to take steps, and sometimes, might start small but will grow over time. One of the reasons why some people's success has been delayed is because they have not taken steps towards it, and sometimes, they will be waiting for a perfect time to take step, which they may not have. You do not start with perfection, rather you grow into perfection after a while of being consistent. If you have refuse to go through the process of learning, practising, and consistency, then there will be a limit to what you can achieve. But if you will go through these processes, then there will not be a limit to what you can achieve.

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Image from Pexels

Instead of waiting for the supposed perfect time to start, or waiting until you have the full support delivered to you, just start now with what you have and the more you take steps, the more support you will receive in due course. Trust me, the more you know about something through constantly doing it, the easier it will become for you. Trust me, the difficulty level you experience at the start of something - be it a skill acquisition, or a business, usually fizzles out in the course of doing it over and again. This is because it has become part of you. One of the things I have learnt is that perfection is not a gift, neither is it what you are born with, but what you develop and what is earned. If you must gain mastery in something, then you have to earn it by being committed and consistent in it.

The early stage of starting up something; be it business, skill, etc, is normally the most challenging, but it should not stop you from continuing in it. As you put in conscious efforts into it, you will be on the pathway of succeeding in it.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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