From Fear To Motivation

At some points in your life, you may have been face-to-face with a particular fear which may want to limit your advancement or constitute an obstacle to you. The truth is that, if you allow the fear, it will grow and become a limiting factor for you. But the greater truth is that you can turn the fear into the fuel that is needed to power your success. Trust me, when you do what you fear the most, you will be surprised the kind of success you can make from it, and your fears will also leave you alone. How you deal with your fears will determine if will be bound by it or if you will harness the power of it.


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How you relate with your emotions - which include fear, is exactly what will determine the outcome of your life. The same fears that face you is also being faced by some other people, but how you respond to it will be what will make the whole difference. While others may see fear as some very negative aspect of life, you can turn it into a motivating factor to achieve more success. The truth is that you may not be able to determine the events that play out from life, but you can determine, to a reasonably large extent what to make of them by your actions towards them. This also holds true for situations of fear.

There are things that people do in response to fear that can set their life on the pathway and course for success. I remember a very amazing event that happened to me some years back during my first college years. There was this professional examination I registered for, which was very instrumental for me to gain access to a higher phase of my career. After registering the exam, I got to find out how difficult the exam had become in the recent past. In fact, all my friends that wrote it before me did not scale through. To make it more dreadful, the money used to register it was increased, so failing it would mean wasting the money and then having to register it again with another money. This sent fear down my whole body.

However, instead of having the fear demotivate me or make me to lose hope of writing the exam, it built the zeal for me to give my entire being towards preparing for the exam. I prepared for the exam like my entire life and existence depended on it. In one of the times I was reading at night in the school hall, my friend walked in and asked me what motivated me to read like this. I smile and told him "fear of failure." I had looked around and saw that I would not be able to register the exam again if I did not pass it, so I made up my mind that I must pass it. In fact, it was already impossible for me to fail. The fear of having to re-sit made me to buckle up and study extensively for exam, and adorably, I passed the exam with a very impressive grade.

From the story of the exam, you will understand that a very important factor to turning fear into something motivational is to realign your thoughts and perception about fear in general. Instead of something entirely negative or something that wants to oppose your motion, it is better to see it as a proof that you have stepped out of your comfort zone and this will serve as a motivation to you that you can leverage on it to achieve success. When you challenge yourself to become better, there is a propensity that you will be faced by fears, but until you face the fears that face you, they cannot be fazed out.


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If you will take a step against what you fear the most, you will discover the unimaginable potentials that have been hidden in plain sight simply because of fear. In fact, some of the fears that are known to humankind are functions of the mind or rather, a creation of their own personal thought. The task you are mostly afraid to undertake might just be the task that holds the key to your breakthrough. When you take the step towards what you fear the most, the fear will serve as the needed fuel to power your dream. After all, being afraid is not a "sin" but allowing yourself to be bound by the fear is what is bad.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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