Do Not Allow Anger To Weaken You

A lot of people have done regrettable things out of anger, which will come back in the future fo haunt them. I have come to realise that there is almost nothing that you do out of anger that will appear good in the long run, rather it will simply weaken you. Some people's anger are their weakest point. I remember when a friend said that anger has robbed her of many things including her past relationship. This is when I understood how subtle, yet deadly, anger can be. Here, we shall take a look at how to effectively manage anger so that it will not eventually become one's weakness.


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The very first step towards managing or even overcoming anger is to tell yourself the truth that you have an issue of anger to be dealt with. If you try to hide the propensity of anger in you, you will end up being weakened by it. One of the best truths you can tell is the one you tell yourself. So you have to try to tell yourself the truth about what normally gets you angry, how it happens, how you normally respond to it. All these will help you to realise what you are up against. More so, the more you are aware of the challenge at hand, the easier it will become to overcome it. Of course, you cannot win a battle that you do not know exists.

After you have told yourself the truth about what normally gets you angry and how you react to it, another step is to resolve within you that you will overcome it. This is where your "will" comes into play. Of course, you can only overcome anger if you are willing to. Trust me, you may not be able to know how strong you are until you have made up your mind and show the willingness to be strong. If you decide that you will live above unnecessary anger, and back it up with actions, you will discover how strong you can be to fulfil it. When there is a will to get something done, there will always be a way to do it.

When you have made up your mind to overcome anger, then you need to take conscious steps. Like; if you discover that there is a place that if you go to, you will be prone to anger, then you can simply avoid it. Or if there are group of people; friends, acquaintances, etc, that when you hang out with them, it will predispose you to anger, you can decide to stay clear from them. After all, you are trying to protect your sanity, and friendship is not on compulsion. There are discussions that you should avoid if they can bring out the fluidity in your emotions and make you angry.

After you have done all these, there is also a need for you to work on yourself. Convince yourself that you can live above anger and then put it to actions. In the face of provocation, watch what you say and how you react. You can pause for while and think through what you want to say or act. Surprisingly, you will discover that they are almost not worth it. There is a practice that normally helps when you are angry or when someone is trying to provoke you:

"just count from 1 to 10 in your mind." Repeat until the anger fizzles.


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Also, in the face of provocation, you can employ the use of humour. What this does is that it will disperse the negative energy that is building up, and it also has a way of diffusing the tensed situation. Trust me, if someone is purposely trying to anger you and you introduce humour, it will weaken the person and they will become tired of you. But when you show anger, then you have given them the pathway they will use to attack your emotions in the future. You need to take the responsibility for your emotions and do not let anyone to determine it for you.

The final point is to be careful about what you think. Some people can just make up a scenario in their mind and then become unnecessary angry for just no cause. Try to limit or stop assumptions. If you are unclear about the intentions behind someone's action, just simply ask them for clarification instead of assuming and wasting your emotions on being angry. Also learn how to forgive and never hold up grudges against people in your mind, so as to free yourself from anger.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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