Ask Questions To Receive Answers

There are many things that a lot of people are passing through that can simply be solved by just asking questions and get directions. If you wait until you figure out everything by yourself before you take any step in your life, you will be limited. At a point in your life, you will realise that there are lots of things you do not know and there are other things you may never be able to figure out on your own - so you see why asking questions is very important. Instead of staying in ignorance, it is better to ask and be clarified.


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By asking questions, also, you will ward of assumptions. There are times when things will appear to you in a certain way and even your perceptions may be aligned towards it, but you might still be wrong about it. If you do not ask questions, you will believe in the wrong assumptions and act on it. Imagine progressing in error; that is what assumptions can do to you. Take this instance; someone may write the number "6" but if you view it from another perspective, you might be seeing a "9." But if you ask the person what they have written, you will save yourself from assuming wrongly.

There are many benefits of asking. You can get directions by asking for it. I remember some years back, during my undergraduate internship period, I was during a part-time work in a particular firm. A day came when I was sent on an errand by my supervisor to help her deliver a good to someone. I was given the address of the place and the junction to stop at. I stopped there, but for almost 30 minutes, I kept walking around looking for the address that I was given. At a point, I got tired, and luckily, someone was passing by and I reached out to him to ask for direction. Surprisingly, it was the same location that the person was headed to, so I followed him. In less than 1 minute, we were already at the gate.

I then realized that the street was not numbered serially, so it explained why I had a very hard time in locating the address. But when I asked, the answer came with speed. Imagine if I had not asked the question, I may have spent the whole day in futility looking for the address that would have taken me less than 1 minute from the junction. In the same way in life, there are times when you need to ask questions so that your life's journey will be simplified.

Even in relationships for example, assumptions have crashed a lot of relationships because they did not ask questions to be clarified on the issues at hand. You do not have to assume that you know what your partner has in mind when you are not telepathic. A simple asking may save you of a lot of challenges. I remember when a friend narrated the ordeal he had with his girlfriend, and I realized the dangers of assumptions. A call came into the guy's phone and the number was saved as "my world,' that was when the problem started.

She did not bother to ask him who "my world" was, so she assume he was cheating on her. She stopped talking to him and all attempts to ask her what happened and why the sudden change, seemed futile. He checked himself but could not find anything that he did that would explain why the girlfriend was behaving like that towards him. Things got worse and she did not talk to him for about 1 week and she even left the house for him. She would not reply her messages and all. After about 1 week, she message him "you can go and focus on your world."

It was at this point that the guy realized what happened, and he simply told her that "my world" is my mum. He had saved it that way even before he met her, but she saw it and thought he had another girlfriend. Dangers of assumptions. The human mind has the propensity to imagine wild things, and if you allow it, it may control other parts of you. If your mind creates a false evidence for you, you will be surprised how you will believe it.


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As humans, we are curious beings, which explains why we are inquisitive to know more, and it is also one of the reasons we should ask questions. I will conclude with this popular adage from the Southeastern part of Nigeria (the Igbos).

Onye ajuju adighi efu uzo. [Which means that the person that asks questions cannot lack directions.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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