How To Get A Better Treatment From Others

The only person that can treat you better than anyone else is YOU. If you fail to treat yourself better, no one would treat you better because people would treat you based on how they observe you treat yourself.

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Every time you treat yourself right and carry yourself in high regard, you're showing others how you want to be treated. It is what other people see you do to yourself that they would do to you. If you talk Ill about yourself, others would talk Ill of you, if you dislike yourself, others would dislike you, if you bring yourself down, others would bring you down and vice versa.

Don't expect others to give you what you've not been able to give to yourself. How the people around you would relate with you is based on how you relate with yourself. You're the decided of how other people would treat you. When you carry yourself in high esteem and treat yourself right, your setting a standard of how you want to be treated and everyone coming close to you would try to keep up to the standard you've set.

The way you relate with yourself is how other people around you would relate with you. You may think they wouldn't notice how you treat yourself, but from your body language, words and attitude, they would get a clue of how you treat yourself. Speak well of yourself and treat yourself right if you want others to speak well of you and treat you right.

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