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Have friends who encourage and believes in you. When a flame is small, it needs to be fanned before it can become a raging fire. You need friends who can fan your flames. Avoid any friend who gossips and back bites. Such are not friends, but fiends who quench flame

Whether your friend has recently broken up with their significant other, or they're deep in a depression, or they're trying to lose weight, you want to be there to support and encourage them! While you don't want to go overboard in your support showing that you're there for someone can be a huge encouragement all on its own

Focus on your friend, and focus on giving them someone to confide in, so they work through the healing process.
If you have been through a similar situation as your friend, then you should use your past experiences to grant advice.
You can ask if they would like your advice, but don't be surprised if that isn't what they're really after.

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Help them out with some chores like doing their grocery shopping for them, helping clean their house, take their dog for a walk. These basics tasks are usually the first to fall by the wayside when someone's life is coming apart.

Make sure your friend knows that they can call on you if they need to, and that you keep up with how they're doing.
