Hope, a sign, quite literally

Hope. Anticipation. A feeling of expectation for something you deeply desire to happen at some point in time be it in the near or distant future.


I'm my instance, hope for light at the end of the tunnel to resume the pursuit of my dreams.

Hope ignited, is sometimes not as obvious as a sign firmly planted on the side of a road. For some it's a mere spark, in the distance. Others feel the sense that they may have lost it. However when we do find it, there is this deep sense of home, comfort and the reconnecting self to the world, like you can carry on with your journey when you thought you couldn't take another step. A second wind, Hope, the very thing that keeps you going.

Before settling into my place here in the U.K. I encountered fatigue and was stretched, far beyond what I could ever have imagined...emotionally, financially, physically and on every conceivable level I was tested.

I felt as though I had been passed through the fire, which changed me forever. Some kind of alchemy took place in that time; so many life lessons learnt and knowledge gained, burnt into the core of who I am today.

Had I not have been through the fire I would not know what I am capable of. It also revealed the immense support that I have from my family and friends, teammates and mentors. I am grateful to you all. I will not forget the kindness and the blessings that you dished out to me so generously. You may not know it, but each of you reached out to me in a time when it was most needed.

When I came out the other side...I saw "Hope" firmly planted at the base of this tree. Solid. It was going nowhere. I needed that.

The significance of finding this sign "Hope" where I would base myself was both incredibly moving and significant in my eyes. More than that, it was comforting and gave me the sense that I am now where I'm supposed to be. It gave me the sense that my time has finally come to dig my roots down deep and that I am finally in a position to push forward with so many important things that I had placed on ice due to facing challenges outside of my control.

I came across "Hope Park Road" after a full year’s worth of immigration challenges and all the challenges that came along with it. With reference to Maslow, I was challenged on every fundamental level. This too gave me perspective, like no other mentoring ever could. I had been a nomad for months but I found "Hope" just outside the place where I belong. I knew in that moment that I was in the right place, doing the right thing and that I could continue on my pursuit of happiness and reaching towards my dream. I am closer now than ever before.

“Hope.” Such a gentle word and soothing notion, yet the meaning of it, is among the strongest of forces to give you the strength to press on. I was fortunate enough to find Hope. It left me thinking about where others have had to dig deep to find Hope. Some may not see it, but no doubt, the human spirit needs it.

If you ever see that person who may have lost Hope. Please, at very least, just ask them about their day...and give them a chance to find it in your kindness.

Thank you for reading.


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