
Pride since generation back has always been something we all see in different light.To some it's a thing of joy while some see it as a big flaw in one's character.Sometimes it depends on the way we appear with the pride attitude.To praise someone is a thing of pride while also looking down on people is also a thing of pride.

We sometimes mix the two feelings together, by feeling as if we are better that n the people around us and also too good for a particular cause.In this instance, pride will make you feel superior to beings around you thereby creating enemies for yourself anywhere you go.Life has always taught us to humble ourselves and not to feel entitled to things that we are opportuned to have or own.Pride is actually the opposite, it gives one a sense of entitlement and makes you feel like you are better than everyone and far above reproach.

Pride will make one lose a lot of friends and opportunities and it will also destroy your reputation and once this happens it will take a while before it can be repaired.Pride they say begats destruction, and if you have this in you, be ready to change or you will watch everything you have ever worked for crumble in your presence.

You alone have the sole power to change your narrative, have pride in your achievement and people and not in things that do not count.Be boastful of your journey in life to some extent and not on inanimate things.Life changes and so does people be reformed always.

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