Resolve to Achieve Better for Yourself, Do not Give up on Your Dreams.

Hello friends of this outstanding community, I hope you are doing great today? I will be discussing a topic that I will say is extremely healthy and helpful at the moment.
Currently, the economy is not smiling in this part of the world, an average family man can no longer take care of his family like he would love to, paid salaries are no longer meeting up to family demands every day, things are getting extremely expensive but salaries are still at a stagnant point. It is more difficult now than ever to think that things are going to get better or change for the better.


However, I want to let you know that this isn't the appropriate time to give up on your dreams, this isn't the right time to quit believing in yourself. Even if the economy chooses the path of difficulty, I will like you to push yourself to thrive and excel amidst the difficult economical situation.

I understand that at this point it is almost impossible to have dreams, I understand clearly that this is a point where we say we have tried enough and we should just lay low and hope for the worst. I understand that this is a point where we will choose to believe every negative thing people have ever told us and I understand that this may seem like a perfect time to say NO to each of our high hopes.



However, I want to encourage you to look in another direction. Listen, you do not have to give up on your dreams simply because the situation of things does not make it look achievable. It definitely might not look as though any meaningful progress is happening but with the right mindset and the right push, things are going to work out just the way you want them to.

Mental preparation.

The path of success that you have chosen to pursue will not come in as convenient as you think it should, there will be lots of obstacles and difficulties but the only thing that will keep you in check is your mental ability. The way you have prepared your mind to fight through obstacles and get things done regardless of what happens is what will push you out triumphantly.

Do not be scared when you miss the shot.

I understand that we all want a life without mistake, but we must also realize that mistakes always paves the path for us to attain better results. Mistakes are bound to happen to any man, a child will definitely fall while trying to learn how to walk but with a strong mind, that child will walk and walk properly. We also need to carry that mindset while trying to move to the path of success, mistakes will happen but we just need to keep fighting through the mistakes and difficult paths until we attain the successful height we desire.

Focus on the result more than the process.

Rather than working aimlessly, have the picture of the success you hope to achieve at heart, and irrespective of how difficult the journey gets, let the result that you have in mind be the drive to help you push further.

I appreciate your time, please enjoy the rest of the day and stay inspired.

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