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Never Accept Where You Are In Life

Don't have much of anything pretty to say. I like to keep these things straight and to the point of my theme. Which is notes of inspiration and motivation. So, life is basic. 99% of everyone is doing shit because they value someone else's opinion more than their own. If I sat down with one person I could figure out every dumb thing their doing and trace it back to them doing it to impress somebody or to prove somebody wrong. It's the biggest mistake you can make.
The second you can get quiet in your mind and stop worrying about the judgment of others the second shit starts actually happening. I love the motivation of a chip on the shoulder, I like that a journal post on Instagram is able to reach hundreds of people if they feel like reading. I find it really fun and exciting that my mission now is to become a professional artist now, getting paid commissions while my background is I failed art in school.
Here's an example. If anyone ever watched the movie, Rocky 4. Drago vs Rocky and in the end when Rocky loses, Drago takes the Mic and says I didn't fight him for the country, I fought him for myself. Simple as that. No defence because someone days you can't or someone days your stupid. No revenge or proof for validation. Just you. Your okay with how things are now? Do you. If not, never accept where you are in your life.
Thank you for reading apart of my journey.
Have a great day.34983266_614922685553510_6993221830458736640_n.jpg