Baby Proofing The Cot (Part 4)

After missing out yesterday I was determined to at least see if Bella would let me sew today.

As soon as I sat down and started the machine she would speed crawl over to me. I would then pick her up and put her back on her play mat and sit back down again to have her crawl back over.

We did that a few times until the last time when she cried when I placed her on the mat.

I thought, fine, let's try the high chair.

That did the trick.

I'm fast realising she just wants to be around me. When I get too far thats when things go awry.

Slowly but surely

Everything had to be done in stages. From measuring, mapping out my plan, feeding Bella, nap time..

I laid everything out to so I could draw a line around the foam as a sewing guide and to get a general idea of how the pillow casing was going to look like.

Sewed a double border for the "pillow case" insert part.

Bella break: Lunch time

Follow the guide lines and see the borders until 3 sides are done.

Time to see if I got the size right by inserting the foam in the cover. The idea is to make a removable cover so I can wash the bumper without getting the foam wet  so one side will remain open.

I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out.

The size is perfect even though I sewed a centimetre outside of the drawn line.

The only thing I needed to figure out was how I was going to do the "pillow case" insert.

If you look at the pic above ☝️ you'll see I've designated the pink fleece as the insert part.

After a micro nap and while waiting for Hubby to come home ~ back to sewing.

After dinner and while Hubby and Bella were playing I finally got the 2nd side sewed up and one side completed.

Before I knew it it was 9pm and it's past Bella's bed time.

Tomorrow's goal is to finish sewing the other side, wash the covers, put them on the cot so I can figure out how I'm going to strap them in place.

At the moment ribbons seem to be the most likely solution. I already figured I would need to take some stiches out so I can add the ribbons which isn't a big deal ~ it's totally doable ~ in theory anyway.

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