Moral Question About Cigarettes


Hello everyone,

I have a moral question about something that really happened to me today.

My friend is a chain smoker. She is also too poor to provide for her family as a single parent. She asked me to go get her some cigarettes today, because she can't drive for some reason or other. I feel I can't get her cigarettes, because I care about her health. I also think she needs the money for other things.

What was I supposed to do?

I realise that she will probably go through bad withdrawal for the day, and then tomorrow she'll just find another way to get it. I feel bad for not helping her relax. I also realise that she won't quit just because I didn't get her cigarettes once.

Should I have been a pal and just have gotten it? It is her life after all.

Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Matthew 19:19 ESV

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