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#MONOMADCHALLENGE The Covid-19 pandemic shows the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle in the community

Hello my beloved friends on hive community !!! On this occasion, I Want to join #monomadchallenge. this is my first post on this challenge, I really agree if this challenge becomes a big challenge in this hive world. I hope you like my story today, maybe this is the first #monomadchallenge on my blog. To shorten the time, just go ahead I want to tell about "GUIDE TO USE TIME IN COVID-19 CONDITIONS" The purpose of my title is to exercise such as "BIKING"

see opportunities for the transportation sector to organize a post-epidemic mobility system. The structuring is carried out with the aim of a transportation system that is environmentally friendly, healthy, and sustainable. Users of public transportation in Europe during the lockdown have dropped significantly. The lack of movement of people and vehicles during the pandemic helped to attract the interest of people to walk and bike.

Pandemic has made the face of the city slightly changed, more friendly to pedestrians and cyclists.

The choice of people to do mobility by walking and cycling aims to avoid the density of mass transportation. This is consistent with the advice of the health authorities to do physical distance to avoid corona virus transmission.

No wonder the new normal era is also marked by the rise of interest in the world community towards bicycles.

This image taken by smartphone samsung s1

This image taken by smartphone samsung s1

This image taken by smartphone samsung s1

This image taken by smartphone samsung s1