Hi cave people!!! Are you an artist or are you selling yourself?

In general, an artist can be said to be someone who creates works of art to express their creative vision, explore themes and emotions, and connect with others through their work. On the other hand, selling oneself can involve promoting oneself, one's work and/or one's skills in order to earn money or get opportunities.

An artist may sell themselves as a way to promote their work and reach a larger audience. For example, an artist may use social media and other online platforms to showcase their work and connect with potential buyers or followers. In this case, the focus would be on the promotion of the artistic work and not so much on the promotion of the person himself.

However, it is also possible for someone to sell themselves in a way that has nothing to do with their artwork. For example, if an artist uses their appearance or personality to attract attention or get opportunities, it could be seen as a form of personal selling that is not directly related to their artwork.

In short, being an artist and selling yourself are not necessarily opposites of each other. If you use self-promotion to reach a wider audience and showcase your artwork, it could be an effective way to grow your career. However, if you focus primarily on promoting yourself rather than your artwork, you could be hurting your credibility as an artist and your ability to connect with a genuine audience.
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