An Anonymous Source Gives You $25,000... [Your Participation is Requested]

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An anonymous source gives you $25,000 USD, or the equivalent in any currency you want/need...

The Rules:

  • You MUST give away the money to someone, and it has to stay given away (meaning the person can't give it back to you, buy you something, or any form of returning it to you).
  • You must give the entire lump sum away to the person or small group of people (parents, siblings, etc.) you CANNOT give it away in chunks to different people.
  • The person(s) you give it to cannot spend it on something illegal or non-beneficial to them (illegal drugs, sex slaves, 100,000 bananas, etc.).
  • The person(s) you give it to ARE aware you received the money from an anonymous source, but ARE NOT aware that you're forced to give it away, or that you could choose anyone you wanted.
  • Taxes of any sort are already taken care of, the receiving person(s) gets the full $25,000.

My Questions to You:

  1. Who would you give it to (first names allowed if you feel like sharing, otherwise just say mom, best friend, dad, step-sister, etc.)?
  2. What do you think their reaction would be?
  3. IMPORTANT: Why did you choose this person and what kind of significant impact on their life would it have?  What kind of change in their life would it have?  What do you think they'd use it for?

My Personal Answer (Also a Format Example):

WHO - I'd give the money to my parents, my mother and father.  

REACTION - My dad isn't the type of fella to jump up and down and scream, but he'd certainly be excited, maybe give a whoop and a holler.  My mom on the other hand would probably scream so loud the neighbors would hear her, and jump up and down and hug me many times over.  She'd probably act like she just won the lottery.

WHY/WHAT - I chose my parents because they've done a lot for me, and they could really use the financial boost.  They could pay off both their cars, any credit card bills they owe, and still have lots left over.  After paying their dues, they'd probably go on several nice vacations as they've never had much money to go anywhere really nice, and probably save a little money to go to Wendover, Nevada since they love it so much.  They'd probably also use some of the money to assist with the small rescue they run for horses, dogs, chickens, and other animals.  A financial gift as large as this would have a huge impact on my parents and enable them to enjoy life a little more, and give them the freedom to take the vacations they deserve.

Final Notes:  This is somewhat of a social experiment, so please comment with honest answers.  I'm genuinely curious to see how my fellow Steemians would spread the love in this kind of situation, and whose life they would choose to impact.  Please answer all the questions so responses are interesting and well thought-out!

As always, thanks for reading and commenting on my posts!  For more interesting content, be sure to Follow me @voltarius!

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