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Business Management - my rules

My next article is about business and finance.

As I said earlier, I was not given by nature to be employed, but the business - that's what I'm really ready to deal with, and not for "khaljavnogo earnings" (it is unlikely that such a thing happens), but in order to see the result of their work and be independent. So I did and continue to do business and develop various kinds, for this I had to develop or come to some specific rules and principles that I'm going to talk and discuss the topic.


This is probably one of the most important points for small businesses. When there is something you can live and work at their own pace (which is a major advantage in the business for me), many people have a bad trait to delay the work of the next day / week, etc. Incidentally, this is also an important point for freelancers. Here you just need to be able to push yourself to work. Each has its own methods, for me personally, the method works competent time-management - planning time devoted to work and rest. Business is out of ideas - ideas flops, and ideas that work; ideas that are difficult to implement, and relatively simple ...

I have often happened that according to the calculations of business can bring for example $ 1000 per month income. When you start to deal with them, the real income is $ 500. And usually it happened by the fact that payments are made at full load, and the most efficient use of capacity, namely human laziness and love to rest substantially reduces efficiency. We need to work for the advancement and promotion of the business. For me it is not very difficult and very interesting, but when no you do not command, there are many temptations for example to go and have a beer with friends or chto-to like that also, sometimes comes to mind is an interesting idea, and sometimes it is so amazing brain that you get up at 6 am and fly (or desktop) headlong into the office as soon as possible to start working on it. And worked for 12-14 hours a day, and when the problem starts and begins something does not work, then immediately quit their jobs.

This emotion, and I think this is a natural problem that all the same need to learn to cope. I do for myself, and schedule a time limit. For example, at least pay the 6:00 time in the day, sleep eight o'clock on weekdays and up to 9 on the weekends. In his spare time restoring sessions - sports, reading, spending time with friends or doing housework. This is something that makes escape from the business and to switch thoughts to other problems (although I personally anyway always think about the business ...)  It is a schedule that works for me and will work not for all people. In this scenario, I keep in shape and feel good. You can sleep on the weekends 11 hours, but it definitely will knock me out, as well as to work 12 hours a day - then the productivity decline in a week, and a month later will be very difficult to work and within 12 hours you do less than I for 6. There should also be a very strict policy regarding social networking sites for cars and other entertainment on the computer, which are related to your business. It can kill a lot of time.

Character traits.

You have to be tough and cool. Maybe it sounds too subjective, but when I changed a little bit this way, I became much easier given business. It certainly should not be reflected on friends and loved ones, but it is a very big help to experience problems in business and deal with those who put spokes in the wheel, which is unfortunately often the case. business creation conditions in the west quite different, and there is the use of force and power is not required, but we are talking about business in Russia. Yes, and just need to be able to suffer losses and lose money, or one (or more precisely a terrible business) day you can go crazy or has experienced tremendous stress 

Any business requires something special!

Creating a unique product or service, a winning combination of two or COMPETITIVE pricing (due to the original ideas that allow you to fine save). In other words - the task of a successful businessman think of before, how can not think of others. Therefore it is better to do business in the area in which you are good. Then you will just come to mind ideas and gradually, you will appear on the thought that you can improve or invent. And further work is, what a good idea it will be much easier to uncharted environment.

Is constantly evolving!

It would seem that the business operates and generates income, it's okay - you can sit in a beige leather chair and plan a vacation in the next two months. Of course, it is difficult to build so perfectly functioning business, but even if you have turned out, in any case can not dwell on it and give up. We must constantly strive to improve something, otherwise this point would be a peak in your business and then profits will decline.

Another is my personal rule - friendly and cultural relations with the staff.

We do not live in the times of slavery, praise and encourage all pleasant, and even if in addition to keep paying on an average level or slightly above, the problems with personnel should not be. Personally, I do not just notice that many are willing to work diligently in good conditions!

Well, it remains to wish good luck and novice businessmen ... try, try, and do not worry about nothing - make money ( "Rich Dad - Poor Dad" great literature business from Robert Kiyosaki)!

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