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10 mistakes when writing the selling texts

How not to lose the income received

High-quality sales letter is like a good seller. He'll tell you everything you need buyer to behave naturally and smile at the right moment. Marketing text should sell. If he can not do it - it's not selling text, and it should be replaced. To rewrite the text quality, it is important to understand that it is not so. Here is the 10 most common mistakes that are present in not selling texts.


Imagine a salesman who keeps saying to you: "We are pleased to offer you our goods", "With us safely ',' Here you can get help." I want to leave as soon as possible. The text, which is full of clichés like, similar to this seller.

Exit: to find new design, free to speak the language, and, preferably, of the real quality of the goods.


The company "sells", the firm "assists" - such constructions depressing the reader. It is unlikely that a potential buyer finish reading the text until the end.

Exit: read more good literature, and do not be like bureaucrats.

complex text

Huge offers a length of 5-6 lines. A large number of terms, which the author does not explain. If we consider the text as a seller, the more difficult to sell the article - the typical nerd.

Exit: Break long sentences into several smaller ones. Avoid verbal participle phrases and intricate designs. If you want to use some term immediately explain its meaning.

Lack of a clear benefit to the reader

Some texts are written more about the company, not the product. "We have," "We are professionals." All this is fine, but what is the benefit for the client?

What exactly can you offer me? When answering this question, the seller is likely to sell the goods. Marketing text should clearly talk about the benefits that carries goods.

Exit: look for that might be interesting and important to your customer. Do not tell yourself, tell us about the benefits that can be obtained.

The lack of structure

Seller who is confused in words, by 5-10 times repeats the same thing. He loses the thread of conversation for half an hour and "marking time". This unfortunate seller - text without a clear structure.

Exit: Marshall text correctly. Aristotle said that the story should have a beginning, middle and end. Marketing text - a story about the product. Stay a little dramatists, consider the structure of his narrative.

The lack of structure

The excessive use of superlatives

"Excellent," "great," "the best of the best" - these revolutions caused a natural reaction: "Do not you lie?"

Exit: Dear readers, talk about the distinctive qualities.

Bad formatting

Screaming text written in capital letters only;

abundance fonts colored with different colors;

long text, downed in one paragraph

- All this is annoying and prevents to read. Even the best-selling text, badly designed, can not be profitable.

Exit: calm font moderate bolding and italics, a maximum of 2 colors in the design. The text is divided into meaningful paragraphs with a maximum of 5 lines.

A bad headline

In which case we can say that the title is not a success? If it is boring. If it contains a flashy statement. If he does not incite to ensure that the text is read. Title - a showcase of the text. Boring Showcases - boring shop, a potential customer decides and passes.

Exit: look for options headings that "hook" the reader.

Grammatical and stylistic errors

Errors annoying. Errors in advertising very annoying. People are moving away from the illiterate to such seller, who does not say "kalidor" or "kakleta".

Exit: read the textbook of the Russian language, or at least use a checking function of literacy in Word.

The lack of "closing"

Title "hooked." The benefits are described clearly. Text literate. And still no sales. Because of which? Perhaps the article is not "closing the deal". At the market closing of the transaction takes place simply "come from?" The sales letter must also be a call to action.

Exit: to encourage buy. Provide a phone number where you can call. Write what you need to do to get the goods. Clearly explain what the client needs to be done and why.

Marketing text - it's not just text. To write a high-quality text will take a lot of time, knowledge and experience. If your text is not "cling" and does not incite to action - it is a failure.

So do not be lazy and do work on the bugs!

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