Some Before and After Video and Pictures on The Progress of My Investment Property - Making Progress and Hurricane Proofing!


I put together a short video on the progress on my investment beach 8 unit loft I bought a few months back.  The furniture and all the little details should be down within a month.  Right now I had the Hurricane shutters put on as it's a Mandatory Evacuation by noon tomorrow in this area.  I pray everything stays intact but being 1 block from the beach is scary.  I hope when I get back everyone and everything is safe and in one piece.   Stay safe and God Bless. 

Had the storm Shutters Closed in preparation of Hurricane Irma


                                                           Before and After


                        Before and After (stairs) Closed off and new Carpet


The next update will be when it's all finished and furnished I hope you enjoyed and have a great day.


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