Why the world is so fucked up? Answer.

The biggest problem of our society in broadest sense, today, is: money. Money itself, we all know it must exist, and there is nothing wrong with core idea that we do need something for which agree it's valuable, even if it's actually just piece of paper or plain number in computer. Money is helping us buying (and selling) various things we need, or don't need in excessive amounts we already have, for example. And there's nothing wrong with that, but....

Actually, I realised that debating about politics, laws, society, activism, anarchism and similar...... it's all pointless and not much productive. Why? They are simply not fixable until we don't fix the money. I cannot emphasize enough how important is the fact that that most people in the world are fighting with existential problems just because the way money is created and distributed. Probably around 95% of people are nothing but slaves, ruled by "elite" which controls money. You just think you live in capitalism or democracy or socialism or whatever...... That's nothing but an obstacle, a fog which blurs your vision, a distraction, thing that is not letting you see we're living in system called Modern Slavery. Primary tool for you to be a slave, is money.

Is it logical that money emission is actually privilege of few chosen ones who emit money while not giving a fuck what other structures in society think about it? Here's one interesting video about it. BTW, go to 3:42.


How logical and humane is Fractional Reserve Banking? Now I hope you see everything is designed like economy is some circus, a playground for ridiculously rich banksters, tycoons and other parasites of society, to preserve and expand their wealth, while common people are drowning in inflation, credits

We're all Cattle, except of course "elite" and few levels below them. Whether you wanted it to be or not, it doesn't matter. You're cattle because you're living in a rotten system where economy is a joke, where the word Matrix really does have a strong metaphoric meaning. Luckily, not every specimen of Cattle is Sheeple.

Summa summarum..... We can't do shit about better living on Earth as long as the way money and controlled in this manner. Don't ask me how exactly it's done, that would be most serious, comprehensive study taking many many social factors into account. For all I know, there are some pretty good attempts of fixing the money in cryptocurrency area. Thank you Satoshi, for igniting the fire which just can't die. Some cryptocurrency will eventually prevail in future, we can just hope that cryptocurrency won't be used again as a tool for keeping the Modern Slavery system intact.

What is required for money to be fixed? Probably, a spiritual evolution of Homo Sapiens which somehow primarily heals greed, among other negative properties we tend to have...

Fix the money and you will fix the world. Clear as a day. At least to me... And I know I'm not alone.

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