Why We Never Talk About Money

What do you really know about money? Did they ever teach you about what money is in school? Or has most of what you think you know about money come from the propaganda media?

Chances are if you went to a public school they never talked about one of the most important things when it comes to living and competing in the world.

Money. It's strange that people will spend thirteen years of their life with government employees who are supposed to prepare you for life as an adult and they never even once mentioned money. What is it? Where it comes from? How to manage it in your personal life? Most families don't even talk about money and it's even considered taboo to talk about money with your friends.

So, what's the big secret? And it is a secret. The government is perfectly happy to keep everyone in the dark about the thing many people focus on the most and spend their whole life trying to acquire.

All this time and energy working for these little rectangle pieces of paper and they know nothing about them. It's insane, really, but it goes to show you the power of the governments' ability to socially engineer people. They've managed to get the entire population to spend more time working for globalist corporations and government agencies than they do with their own families so that they can collect more of these little paper rectangles and nobody ever asks any questions.

So, let's talk about what money isn't. When I say money I'm going to focus on the US Dollar, although it's pretty much the same for any currency issued by a government.

Money is not a representation for something physical like gold stored away in a vault somewhere like Fort Knox. While this was true at certain points in history the dollar has not been tied to gold since Nixon took us off the gold standard in 1971.

In theory, before that you could exchange a dollar for physical gold and dollars was simply a more convenient way of carrying around gold and exchanging gold for goods. Because of this though, the government could only issue as many dollars as it had gold.

This is how many people still think money works, but it hasn't worked like this for almost fifty years.

So, what is money backed by? What prevents the government from printing more paper rectangles now? The short answer is nothing. Absolutely nothing!

That's why it was so important to globalists that we got off the gold standard. The government wanted to spend more money than it had. This made countries that were doing business with the United States begin to demand payment in gold rather than these paper rectangles because they suspected the U.S. might be printing more of this paper than it had in gold.

So, Nixon's fix was to just remove the connection between gold and the dollar. This way the United States could print as many paper rectangles at it wanted no matter how much gold it had and countries couldn't demand gold for payment.

But that's not possible, you might say. Why is the dollar worth anything if it's not backed by anything? If the government can just print out as many paper little rectangles as it wants isn't that just making money out of thin air?

Well, yes and no. First of all, money has value because the government has socially engineered everyone into thinking that it has value. At least, that's why it has value to the general public.

They've convinced everyone through propaganda campaigns and forcing people to pay taxes using these little paper rectangles that they have value. And if you don't use these paper rectangles when paying for government fines or taxes they will use violence and force against you using people that they pay with more paper rectangles that will put you in prisons that are also paid for by paper rectangles. And they can print those indefinitely.

But that trick is only going to work on the American public. How can they force the rest of the world to use their little paper rectangles? Well, the quick answer is the United States military.

After Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, his globalist sidekick Henry Kissinger went to the Saudi Royal family and cooked up a deal that essentially came down to this.

You sell your oil using our paper rectangles. In other words, tell the world they can only buy oil with our dollars and we will be your personal army by forcing the rest of the world to pay for oil using U.S. dollars, our paper rectangles, creating a demand for dollars in the rest of the world and in return, we send troops to go and die in the Middle East over and over and over again anytime those oil interests or the interests of bankers are threatened.

And if the American people don't want to go to war because they don't understand this arrangement, we'll just lie to them. We'll tell them we're spreading democracy around the world or protecting our so-called allies.

And that my friends is what fiat money is. Not a storage of wealth, but of military force provided by the blood and sacrifice of a propagandized public, most of which will never bother to question the system because they're all too busy trying to get more paper rectangles.

So why are governments trying their best to control and regulate cryptocurrencies? Because if people from all over the world can transact business and exchange value peer-to-peer without the need for banks or governments acting as an intermediary and there's no need for any trusted third party that could be bribed or influenced, then this little arrangement would not work because people would not need government money at all.

Just remember that when you hear all the FUD about crypto and when banks start to offer their own safe, secure versions of crypto. Remember why crypto was started in the first place, to circumvent inflationary, violence-backed fiat money and bring the ability to exchange peer-to-peer back into the hands of the people.

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