The Story of The Dollar I Found... And How It Changed My Outlook On Money

The truth is, I bought the dollar outright. I found it counting donations for a charity. There were two other people in the room, so I proceeded to tell the treasurer in the room that I would like to exchange a dollar I have for it. He refused, and so I offered a five instead, still he wasn't budging. In the end, the dollar that you see below cost me 10 dollars to acquire. To this day, it is still the best $10 I have ever spent.

READ THIS TEXT UNDER ONE DOLLAR IN THE PICTURE ABOVE: "In silver payable to the bearer on demand"

I used to read about it and watch obscure YouTube videos about how the dollar will collapse and how it used to be backed by real assets such as gold. These videos, however, were always part of some conspiracy theory about reptile alien overlords and fake moon landings. So credibility was low to say the least.

BUT then, there it was as clear as day for the eyes to see and for my hand to touch. I was shocked at first, a small part of me couldn't believe it was actually true. How on earth could the entire population of our world just willingly participate in a lie?! 

The dollar today is just a piece of paper, backed by NOTHING but an empty promise. 

It is one of the biggest reasons I am such fervent propagator of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology today.

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