The Dollar Reserve Status is Deteriorating Right Under Everyone's Eyes...

I know what most of you are thinking, the dollar isn't crashing and this is just a pullback.

dxy opops.JPG

Let's look at the charts below and I will tell you why and a little backstory. At DXY 103 when "King Dollar" was all that was talked about I said this was the top and we were headed to the 80's. Flash forward a little bit and in the upper 80's it was the most short the dollar HAS EVER BEEN. Queue the bounce. Now that the bounce is over and the long are back we can roll over once more.


Look at the MASSIVE resistance that is over 2 years worth of consolidation from 2015-2017. This cannot go unnoticed here and I believe the Dollar is beginning a secular downtrend.

This is very important and the reason it is is because If I am right about the dollar, then I will be right about Metals, EEM, Rates, Inflation, etc. and EEM is where my fund are allocated too.

Let me leave you with this graph, it is inevitable that the dollar WILL NOT BE THE RESERVE currency sometime over the next decade. It is just math and numbers and cycles. Nothing can really stop it and I am not 100% sure what takes it's place.

My guess is Crypto or China, but that is just a guess right now


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