Part II -- Boomers Retiring -- is the Stock Market now considered to be a "national security issue"

People observe how can the market be going up? Corporate earning are not great and the various measurements you use to "value stocks" are not good at all.

Insider selling for these top companies is massively on the sell side. This means that the directors and people that are paid well to run the company are dumping their stocks as they say "everything is great".

We already talked about there is no more "monetary policy fairy" available. The numbers cannot be hidden : car sales are atrocious, spending at restaurants is at lows not seen for years, real estate signs are popping up all over major metro cities, and the job numbers today were good -- but you know who was the 2nd largest category or hiring -- the Government!

So what keeps the market up ? Simple answer -- the Government. They do this across the globe and I am convinced the Market and Us Dollar are now matters of "National Security".

  • they know the demographics
  • they know the economy
  • they know the housing market and true job market
  • they know that people are up to their eyes in debt
  • they know a high % of citizens have less than $1000 in savings
  • they know the economy is run by consumer spending which is 70% -- so how does this move.

They are doing ...and when I say they...I mean the media ...the BS Politicians and the crooked Banks are "all in on this game". Imagine you are them and balancing 10,000 plates and ONE could take them all down. Sooner or later they will do it --- demographics and reality are like the "water dripping".

They will soon command the printing presses to run like Venezuela and you know what will happen to cryptos and precious metals.

I don't want chaos...I don't want global calamity. I want to see leadership address the above like adults.

The States didn't do it and I am know the Congress / Senate will never touch this issue -- they will only react to the problem.

Nobody is accountable....that's the problem with this is all. The media many decades ago were "no longer" tasked to question and connect the dots for the people. They have joined the problem.

So this is why you need to be "your own bank"'s just a matter of time.

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