The most efficient money making method since selling meth

The most efficient money making method since selling meth

Steemit has been seen by many as a way to make a quick buck and because of this every day we see hundreds of people swarming into steemit attempting to smash their heads against the keyboard in a desperate attempt to make thousands of dollars.

Now lots of people would tell you that if you want to make money on steemit you must spend "time" or you have to "think" and then they will continue to yammer on about "Original content" and "Stealing is wrong" well they are stupid and will have their dreams seared to crispy burned mush like an ant under a bored kids magnifying glass. So here I am prepared to tell you how to make more money then a meth dealer.

Step One

Now first step you are gonna need to write something to post, so who is ready to spend the next 3 hours painstakingly writing out and editing an original piece of work. Joking, instead of that let's just go to the "trending" tab and scroll down until we can find you a successful piece of work to plagiarize because you know America and freedom or some stupid shit like that.

Someone made a makeup tutorial? make a similar but very shitty quality version, Someone posted a picture of weed and somehow made a shit ton of money? Let's all join hands and post a shit ton of unnecessary somewhat similar pictures of weed.

The Money making step

Now that you have mastered the ability of clicking ctrl + C then following that up with a good ol' ctrl + V you are now ready to do the next stage. Think of steemit not as a platform for creators to share ideas, have discussions and inform people, but instead as a lottery. You just need to post a story and just hope to god that a fat ass whale comes swimming around and leaves a golden deuce on your doorstep for you to collect.

If that doesn't happen you will most likely earn roughly 5 cents which is about the equivalent of an illegal Mexican in China working at a sweatshop. So this is where the money making really happens all you have to do is go through and steal everyone content and just repost it, don't forget to spam lots of tags even ones that don't make sense! Money is at your finger tips all you have to do is spam post about 30 times a day, 7 days a week until eventually you either get blessed by some sort of blubbery mammal or you die of starvation because all you do all do is copy and paste all day.

There you have it the best way to make money steal from others and just pray to god you don't get flagged before you make millions.

Idle Threats

To all whales out there that see this post and dare not to give me all their money I shall leave this whale as a message to you fat scum I am not afraid and I shall tear the blubber from your bones with my teeth.

Feel the power of my wraith! Upvote or die!

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