Jeff Berwick Exposes The Federal Reserve and The Entire Matrix Control System on The American Intelligence Report

I was on the American Intelligence Report Radio show this morning with Kristan T. Harris who I first met at Bilderberg this year.

One of the first things we cover in our interview, which is asked of me quite frequently, is the answer to the question, “For listeners out there who are not familiar, what are the big points on bitcoin they should know?”

This, of course, is a simple question with a long answer, but chances are if you’re reading this you likely already know at least a little bit about bitcoin. If you don’t, check out our four-video tutorial here where you can actually get your first $50 in bitcoin for FREE when you subscribe!

I start by explaining how bitcoin really brings the power of money back to the people as opposed to fiat money which is inherently designed to steal from the masses through the hidden tax of inflation.

As the interview progresses, we talk about how exactly the last financial crisis was engineered by the Federal Reserve in concert with their brethren at all the other central banks in the world and how this paradigm of central banking was designed by secret societies to control the population. And how it has been responsible for the death of hundreds of millions and the impoverishment of billions.

You can see this and much, much more here:

One of the most important points I make in the interview, which I would like to reiterate here, is that we can stop this system simply by moving away from it. That is, selling US dollars and other fiat currencies for gold, silver and cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.

That’s right, no shots need be fired, nor a drop of blood lost and this entire evil system can disappear almost overnight.

Watch the video above to see how.

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