RE: Cryptocurrencies Are Blowing Central Banks Out Of The Water - with Jeff Berwick

I am a business owner, the accounaubility I have to my clients is tremendous. Clients not happy? I don't eat, my employees don't eat.

●The notion that business owners hold power over employees and customers is definitely a two way street.

●If a large client walks away from your dealings it can spell the end

●If a highly skilled worker leaves your company for greener pastures at a time when they are needed (and if they are on payroll they are ) the cost to replace, re-train, and acclimate the new person is absolutely something that you don't want as a business person.

Public sector

Police brutality:

●Paid leave (maybe)

●Dept. investigates itself (maybe)

●"Bad apple" continues to hold "legitimatized" position to continues his/her psychopathy on people.

Political masters:

●Lies about basically everything they are going to do

●Has usually 4 years to pull shenanigans and hose everybody they want, while repaying lobbyists and campaigm contributers with protections for special interests.

●Costly and time consuming to impeach or remove from office

●Generally voted back in because people have short memory spans and are under deep mind control notion that the system actually works for them.

I'm looking for this "accountability" you speak of in the public sector that doesn't exist in the private sector.

These are just general statements, and obviously don't apply to every scenario. Just some perspective.

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