Are Steem, Bitcoin, etc.. Obvious Pre-cursors to The Mark of the Beast?

Image Source & External Article -

Just recently here in Roswell NM (where I live, yes) I was telling a shop owner about Steem and Steemit, and he made the comment that he thought it sounded like " more step towards the Mark of The Beast"...

"...And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six..."
 - Revelation Chapter 13 (
Full Chapter)

Yes Virginia... I hate to break it to you, but digital currency IS indeed "one more step towards the mark of the beast" - and we all know it. 

Let's just get that out of the way now. But fear not, this is NOT a paranoid religious post warning people about the eternal dangers of joining Steemit, nor of using digital currency in general however. This is just a hopefully rational religious post (inspired by a secular article) meant to stem paranoid fear (amongst Christians mainly) of utilizing Steemit specifically, and digital currency in general. Which I will get back to in just a second...

But first... If to you, "stemming this fear" makes me "part of the Satanic conspiracy" then I can't help that, and I won't engage with or reply to you if that is your view (which you are entitled to hold, and even to express as a comment below). 

I'd rather use my time to inform non-Christian people who may have clicked in here (for laughs perhaps?) that Yes, I believe that the mark of the beast is coming, and you DO need to aware of the dangers of accepting it!

Image Source & External Article:

 (Hence the external articles links being detailed here for further reading - which I have not closely vetted btw, they just had top matches for images)...


As I told my friend Don (who DID join Steemit @roswellrockman ) "So is your debit card!"

Putting Don and I's end-of-conversation succinctly, there are many aspects of our everyday lives that have brought and are bringing us "one step closer" to the mark of the beast - but they are not in themselves the mark, they are not evil, and (imho) they are not to be feared, or shunned. 

(Altho I will note respectfully that The American Amish community feels differently - see the link below these next images.)

There are indeed many examples from our now-everyday lives that could easily be said to be bringing us "one step closer" ... such as the "Bar Codes" on every product we purchase

... especially if the same types of "scanners" that read them, were then pointed to a laser tattoo or RFID chip in your hand, to receive payment for these goods at the register. 

All 3 Images above & External Article:

"Radio Frequency ID chips" (see Wikipedia article) are already being used (some will say "being tested") to help pet owners keep track of their pets. Wal-Mart and other retailers also use them to track expensive items, to help prevent shoplifting. And especially "hi-tech" firms demanding secrecy and security clearances even use them on employees! 

Could Big Brother and The Rothchild's and The Federal Reserve Banks and The U.N. (collectively, "The New World Order") one day very soon use all of this to both track you physically, and to observe or control your money supply? 


It's no stretch at all to imagine combining RFID technology with UPC Bar Codes - and then connecting it all to your bank account via the Internet (or the Blockchain!) - to fulfill the Bible prophecy about the mark of the beast happening in the near future, or in our lifetimes.

Folks I am no stranger to this belief. I first penned the words myself way back in 1997 (in my original webpage and book "Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon & The Bible"- << Amazon link to 2105 version) in the section I titled "Genesis 6 to 666"

"To understand how the world’s entire economy could be tied into a mark on one’s flesh would be a completely unimaginable miracle - a near impossibility - inconceivable to most Christians throughout the ages. This has left some events of the book of Revelation a little hard to piece together into a believable probability, much less an immediate future.

"In order to accomplish such an incredible thing, you’d have to have some way to access a person’s bank account from anywhere in the known world; all financial institutions would have to have some way of talking to each other through some sort of, of, machinated "net," or a "web," or something; you’d have to come up with some sort of mark, or magnetic strip, or some "barred code" that some futuristic "scanner" could read; surgical or laser-tattoo technology capable of implanting it, and a "personal secret code" so that no one could ever rob you in this "cashless society." Any-time machinery, for financial transactions, would have to be everywhere. Everyone would have to be assigned a separate number at birth. These "scanner devices" would have to be in every grocery, hardware, department and convenience store, and every product would have to be marked with this computerized bar-code…

"Yup, you’d need all that…

"Get that in place and you’re ready to go..." 

(Original 1997 cover, now out of print - 2015 version available on Amazon here)

So getting to my main point - finally...

YES. All kinds of technological advances from the past 30 years and more could and probably WILL - imho - be used to make the Mark of the Beast possible... call me a paranoid religious nut if you like, I do firmly believe that such is coming.

The Internet itself, for example, connects and brings the whole world online. But if you're using it to read this, now, you are perhaps already hooked, and have no room to talk about Steem or digital currencies being the pre-cursors to the mark of the beast. Because everything you're already using is also...

The magnetic strips on the back of the debit and credit cards you've (most likely) been using for years and years. Online banking... Bar Code technology in grocery stores that you apparently don't have the religious conviction to oppose nor abstain from ... retinal scanners, or fingerprint security features in your smartphone...

See what I mean? 

If you are not a practicing Amish person - or you use only "true money" (Gold and Silver) to barter and to trade for goods and services when you need them (or farm and grow your own food, to ensure that you don't) - then there are already DOZENS of aspects of your everyday life that you have accepted and routinely utilize that have already in fact brought YOU "one step closer to the mark of the beast."

YES - these "new-fangled concepts" like Steem Dollars, Bitcoin, and Digital Currencies are perhaps OBVIOUS steps moving us all FURTHER along that path to one-world government under antichrist...

(EXCEPT IT MUST BE NOTED in this article for you newbies to the concept, that TO-DATE, popular digital currencies (Steem, Bitcoin, Etherium, etc, etc) are actually intended AND ARE CURRENTLY BEING USED to help users MOVE AWAY from immoral government spying networks, and away from evil centralized banking platforms, putting "the power in the hands of the people" - for awhile at least. 

So technically, by joining Steemit and adopting Steem as currency, you are fighting the underpinings of the Satanic One-World government that is forming all around us. You are actually, literally, restraining The Beast from his march to power! For awhile anyways...

So there.)  

But yes, I would affirm that some form of digital currency in general could and possibly will be used by the evil-antichrist-oneworldgovernment-rothschilds-federalreserve-warmongeringtotalitarian New World Order yet to arise under the real antichrist when he appears.

In fact, it was seeing this article today published by The Coin Telegraph 

4 Reasons Why Your Nation Will Kill Cash For A Digital Currency

that inspired me to drop everything and write this particular article. 

The Coin Telegraph wonderfully details how national interests (Satanic, New World Order interests, for our purposes here) probably will in fact adopt a digital currency of their own in the coming years. I can totally see THEIR VERSION of a global digital currency exchange being the near-final step in implementing the true Mark of the Beast, when (but not until) The Antichrist is revealed.

But Steem/Steemit just isn't it. Today's free market digital currencies - if anything - are the "gum in the works - fly in the ointment - monkey wrench in the machine" to the eventual true Mark of the Beast, now that I think about it. Today's digital currencies actually serve to free us from the system that is now in place, by providing de-centralized mediums of currency (barter, exchange, etc) that serve as powerful alternatives to current banking structures, and chains.

Governmental agencies (NWO ones or not) are actually in a scramble currently to figure out HOW to regulate, tax, and ultimately control the existing digital currencies. But neither they - nor the devil - are behind them. 

The Bible clearly instructs and solemnly warns all to not accept the Mark of the Beast, when it finally comes in the form of a mark on your hand or forehead that you cannot buy or sell without receiving. For this era's mindset and technology, some form of digital currency "fitting the bill" or "paving the way" does indeed seem logical, and quite likely to my mind in fact.

However, except as a private matter of conscience, abstaining from "the steps" has already proven impractical in most of our lives, almost unavoidable (again, except to the Amish), and ultimately not directly commanded in scripture.

The command to abstain from even "the appearance of evil" might or might not rightly apply here in fact.. BUT if you have a computer with internet access, a bank account, a credit or debit card with a magnetic stripe that excahanges funds digitally already...... Well, you get the point by now I think.

 So my position is to say that unless you're either willing to become Amish today and forego ALL of the technologies I've detailed here (and electricity) then you've really nothing to fear from becoming an early adopter of Steem/Steemit, but especially, no room to criticize those who do so. 

Power up and join us!
Two things in closing:
#1) Here's one more lengthy scripture-packe receiving. For this era's mindset and technology, some form of digital currency "fitting the bill" or "paving the way" does indeed seeTpics of Aliens, UFOs, and The Bible. I have to date organized 7 conferences on that topic, and (after a 7 year hiatus) am putting together a new one for Summer 2017... please follow @ancientofdays for updates and tons of videos yet to come from past speakers and theologians who have participated, and will be again this year. 

I bring all of this up in THIS article, only to announce here that:

My non-profit "Roswell Mission" will be accepting Steem for conference registrations (follow for details) and that
UP-FRONT VIP SEATING goes to those who pay VIA STEEMIT!

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