How To Save Money

Grow your own food! If you don't have a garden you can start growing herbs indoors. There are many different types of seeds you can use for your herb garden. Try basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, sage, mint, chives, cilantro, parsley, marjoram, tarragon, and others. You can find these seeds at any local seed shop. Once you get started, you'll want to learn how to properly care for your herbs.

Cut back on meat
Cutting back on meat is a great way to save money. People often think they need to eat meat to stay healthy, but this isn't true. In fact, eating less meat can actually help you lose weight and live longer. By cutting down on meat, you're also helping the environment. According to the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization focused on protecting human health and the environment, raising animals for food is one of the top contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. So if you really want to do your part to protect the planet, then try going vegetarian.

Shop around
Shop around for the best prices. Many people assume that they should buy their groceries at the cheapest store possible, but this doesn't always make sense. As a rule of thumb, if you plan to spend $100 or more, then you should probably look elsewhere. However, if you only plan to spend $50 or less, then you can safely go wherever you'd like.

Eat leftovers
If you've got some leftover vegetables or meats, then you can easily turn them into delicious meals. Just chop up whatever you have and throw it in a pan with some fresh veggies. You can add spices like salt, pepper, garlic, onion, and others. Then just serve over rice, pasta, couscous, or quinoa.

Make your own cleaning products
Homemade cleaners are cheaper than store-bought ones, and you won't have to worry about harmful chemicals getting into your home. All you need are ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap. Check out our homemade cleaner recipe.

Cook your own meals
Cooking your own meals is much easier than ordering takeout. Plus, you know exactly what's inside of your meal. When you cook your own meals, you can control the amount of calories you consume, which means you can keep track of your diet and avoid overeating.

Use coupons
Use coupon codes online and printable coupons offline. Coupons can be used for anything from grocery shopping to clothing. Most stores offer special discounts on certain days of the week. Also, many restaurants offer deals and promotions on Tuesdays. Check out Groupon for more information.

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