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a rose (balaghah-part II)-end


in the discussion on the part I have mentioned there are 4 tasybeh rukun, namely, musyabbah, musyabbah beh, adat tasybeh and wajah syabbah.

  1. musyabbah
    musyabbah is the stuff we equate, for example we equate a peranggaun with flowers (fatima beauty like a rose).
    in the above example already includes all the pillars tastbeh (parable-in science balaghah).
    the musyabbah here is fatima, a girl.

2.musyabbah beh
ie place equalize, here is the rose. the terms musyabbah beh is something that has a fixed nature, like beautiful on roses, beauty of roses is the nature attached to roses, so girls can be likened to roses.

3.adat tasybeh
a tool for equating, ie, a letter in the Arabic language that serves as a tool for equalizing, such as the letter ك - كانما, which means "like"

4.the face of syabbah
namely the side of the equation, the equation we are between the musyabbah and musyabbah beh.
in the example above (fatima beauty is like a rose).

  • beauty: wajah syabbah
  • fatima: Musyabbah
  • like: adat tasybeh
  • rose: musyabbah beh

in everyday use, the face of syabbah is often discarded, so the language has increasingly meaning balaghah, for example,
"fatima like a rose".
even for more balaghah also discarded adat tasybeh, so so: fatima is sekumtum rose.
in use instead of being thrown out all except musyabbah beh only, for example - I have fallen in love with a rose,
in al quran often there are languages balaghah, so to be able to understand the meaning of the Qur'an must know science balaghah.
