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Mixin domain is a flexible gateway

Crypto and fiat united

People keep talking about the way to unite cryptocurrency wallets and bank accounts within single ecosystem, but almost nobody had tried to turn these ideas into working solution, just because there was huge lack of required technologies and issues with money attraction. Mixin team found out how to solve both of listed problems. They would not like to wait for tools and technologies to appear, they started developing them on their own. For some people it may sound a little bit risky, but since most of fintech project (even ones that managed to reach hard cap) failed to create working demanded solution, investors had been increasing mistrust and pressure. Fortunately for everyone, who is reading this article, Mixin already have enough money for stable development and it may be pretty easy for you to buy XIN tokens on most of the huge exchanges. 

Even when cryptocurrency market passes through its worst time, Mixin tokens seem to remain stable and demanded, just because their solution does not have analogues. Most of predecessors considered that every solution should be built in one single way: centralized or decentralized. We means that people was sure that one of the ways: traditional or blockchain-based should be the ground for new ecosystem, while in fact, ecosystem, which would be able to unite cryptocurrency and fiat payment methods, requires own unique core. Mixin team understand this, so they were not trying to create single tool for every payment method, they just created the kernen, to which any payment method could be connected. 

Fees could be lower 

If you are interested in cryptocurrency market, you should know that most of new solutions are looking for alternative blockchains, since usage of ETH and BTC blockchains become very expensive. In the same time, there is a way to make transactions within ETH or BTC based projects with new solutions, such as Raiden network or Lightning network. You may wonder: why do we need new solution, why do we need Mixin, while it is able to transactions cheaper right now? Because all of the listed solutions are bounded to certain blockchain. 

Versatility is the driver of progress. We all live in the world that would become so developed just because of standardization. Imagine that every single county would develop tool to improve operations, which works within this country only. Globalization and future development is completely impossible in such terms. Even if solution would cover several countries, still there will be need to create gateway for interaction between them.

That is why Mixin already have a gateway within its ecosystem. It is called Mixin domain and it is connect to the Mixin Kernel. When there is one single core, which is universal for all the operations, and when there is a gateway, which works for both fiat money and cryptocurrencies, no matter what blockchains they are based, there is a chance for stable development of cryptocurrency world. If you would like to learn more about such sophisticated solution, visit right now! 

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Author  Anicasalar -;u=1347520