Rain Harzad in Nigeria : No Drainage system

After a heavy down pour of rain in Nigeria, Most cities where affected by flood especially in Lagos and other riverine locations this year 2017
We believe that the reason why we are affected by flood is because we have bad government who do not care about there environment. They can't provide a good Drainage channels, they don't take care of the river basing due to the fact that we have only one working sea port in Nigeria

I had to write on this problem because it affected my brother few days ago in Asaba. And with steemians support he can have a better life >I returned from Lagos to Asaba since 9am and I haven't been able to get home cos of the bad roads that leads to my house. Now am going to lodge in a hotel in a Town where I have a House. Now am asking myself, is there a government in Delta State? Parents are worried, Children are crying, youths are angry but our leaders are sleeping. People are loosing their properties and the Government is unapologetic about it. No matter the situation of our economy, never leave a State worse than you met it. We've had enough from these leaders of yesterday, it's time for the leaders of today to arise and fight for our tomorrow. Our roads must be fixed or I, Awesome Chidiebere will lead the protest. >
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